



Update within the same version using git

From time to time, we discover critical bugs that users are encouraged to update within the branch (x.x version) that they have checked out. Here is how to update when these situation arrives.

You still have the git clone of the whole myami superpackage (May still be in /tmp/myami if you used autoinstaller):

  1. Go to the myami directory
  2. Confirm that this checkout working sandbox is the branch you want:
    • Linux
      git status
  3. update the clone
    • Linux
      git pull
    • Windows
      RIght-click on the myami top folder icon to select GitBash Here, and then type in there:
      git pull

      You should see what has been changed by the update
  4. For the each of the python subpackage that changes are made, redo the python installation with the same command you used originally. For example, if changes were made in leginon subpackage, you would install leginon by
    • Linux
      cd /_your_myami_git_clone_/leginon
      python install
    • Windows from command line
      cd \_your_myami_git_clone_\leginon
      C:\Python25\python.exe install
  5. For changes made in myamiweb, you should just copy individual files involved to your webserver at the relevant locations. You may also replace the whole myamiweb directory over, but you will then need to cp config.php from the old copy into the new one.

Updated by Anchi Cheng almost 8 years ago · 1 revisions