


Using Redux to serve images on myamiweb » History » Revision 11

Revision 10 (Neil Voss, 08/14/2012 02:18 PM) → Revision 11/64 (Neil Voss, 08/14/2012 02:27 PM)

h1. Using Redux to serve images on myamiweb 

 h2. Installation 

 # Follow [[Web_Server_Installation]] but ignore warning on not using php 5.3 
 # Install redux prerequisites as found in its README file 
 # Install myami-redux branch of myami on the webserver machine.    Redux needs write permission at its installation location to write fftw wisdom file. 

 sudo easy_install fs 

 h2. Configurations: 

 # Assign redux server in myamiweb 

 # Using Redux cache 
 ** At myamiweb/config.php 
 ** Turn it on or off in redux/ 
 ** Input the desired disk_cache_path, disk_cache_size, and mem_cache_size in the next few lines 
 ** Create the disk_cache_path before running redux if cache will be used 
 mkdir /tmp/redux 
 chmod 777 /tmp/redux 

 h2. Test Installation 

 # Using Redux to do simple input output: 
 cd /your_myami_download/redux/bin 
 redux --filename=test.jpg --oformat=PNG > test.png 

 h2. Using redux server with myamiweb 
 # start redux server. (reduxd is in excutable path if installed) 
 # test by accessing an image in myamiweb/imageviewer.php 

 h2. run at boot 

 sudo cp -v myami/redux/init.d/reduxd /etc/init.d/ 
 sudo service reduxd start 

 h2. Test server 

 redux --server_host=localhost \ 
  --filename=myami/redux/gst/example.png \ 
  --oformat=JPEG --shape=32,32 > test.jpg 

 identify test.jpg 

 test.jpg JPEG 32x32 32x32+0+0 8-bit DirectClass 1.03kb  