


Using Redux to serve images on myamiweb » History » Revision 16

Revision 15 (Jim Pulokas, 10/05/2012 02:32 PM) → Revision 16/64 (Anchi Cheng, 10/19/2012 08:18 PM)

h1. Using Redux to serve images on myamiweb 

 h2. Installation 

 # Follow [[Web_Server_Installation]] but ignore warning on not using php 5.3 
 # Install redux prerequisites as found in its README file 
 # Install myami-redux branch of myami on the webserver machine.    Redux needs write permission at its installation location to write fftw wisdom file. 

 sudo easy_install fs 

 h2. Configurations: 

 h3. configure # Assign redux server in myamiweb 
 > cd YourMyamDownload/redux define('SERVER_HOST',"your_hostname") 
 > cp redux.cfg.template redux.cfg 
 You can also copy it to /etc/myami/redux.cfg if you prefer. 

 Customize redux.cfg.    For example, to turn on redux caching, # Using Redux cache 
 ** At myamiweb/config.php 
 [cache] define('USE_REDUX_CACHE',true) 
 enable: yes 
 path: /var/cache/myami/redux 
 disksize:    500 
 memsize: 500 
 *You need to make sure the cache path exists and writable by the user that starts the redux server (reduxd)* ** Turn it on or off in redux/ 
 ** Input the desired disk_cache_path, disk_cache_size, and mem_cache_size in the next few lines 
 ** Create the disk_cache_path before running redux if cache will be used 

 h3. Assign redux server in myamiweb 
 * At myamiweb/config.php 
 define('SERVER_HOST',"localhost") mkdir /tmp/redux 
 chmod 777 /tmp/redux 

 h2. Test Installation 

 # Using Redux to do simple input output (simple client with no reduxd server needed):<pre>redux --filename=test.jpg --oformat=PNG > test.png</pre>Make sure the resulting test.png is in fact an image and not an error message. 
 # Run the server:    run the following on a command line:<pre>reduxd</pre>leave it running for the following... 
 # Test command line client connecting to the server<pre>redux --server_host=localhost --filename=test.jpg --oformat=PNG > test.png</pre>Note: The input file name is from the perspective of the reduxd server, so be sure to give it an absolute path (unlike the first test, which was not accessing the server) 

 h2. Using redux server with myamiweb 

 # start reduxd server if not already running from the above test:<pre>reduxd</pre> 
 # click on "[test dataset]" on your main myamiweb home page, or go directly to the URL: myamiweb/viewerxml.php 
 # test by accessing your own images from Leginon in myamiweb/imageviewer.php 

 h2. starting reduxd at boot 

 sudo cp -v myami/redux/init.d/reduxd /etc/init.d/ 
 sudo service reduxd start 