05may19a GroEL dataset » History » Version 7
Eric Hou, 08/05/2010 04:46 PM
1 | 4 | Neil Voss | h1. 250,000 Particle GroEL dataset |
2 | 1 | Bridget Carragher | |
3 | 6 | Bridget Carragher | * Original images may be viewed using the "Leginon image viewer":http://nramm.scripps.edu/myamiweb/imageviewer.php?expId=1933 and downloaded one-by-one from the Leginon viewer or as an entire set using the [[Dbemwiz|dbemwiz.jar]] tool and selecting the 05may19a experiment. |
4 | 3 | Neil Voss | * Summary information may be viewed using the "Leginon summary page":http://nramm.scripps.edu/myamiweb/summary.php?expId=1933 |
5 | * There is no Appion information as this dataset was processed before Appion existed |
6 | |||
7 | Need to add more 05may19a information and download links |