P22 datasets » History » Revision 4
Revision 3 (Bridget Carragher, 07/22/2010 04:15 PM) → Revision 4/6 (Bridget Carragher, 07/22/2010 04:15 PM)
h1. Public Data Sets h1. P22 datasets dataset Mature wild type bacteriophage from "Lander _et al._ 2006":http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16709746 * Original images are distributed as part of the NRAMM "Anonymous datasets.":http://nramm.scripps.edu/myamiweb/imageviewer.php?expId=6592 See experiments: 05oct20a, 05oct27b, 05nov11a, 05dec13a. See "Leginon viewer help":http://emg.nysbc.org/projects/appion/wiki/Image_Viewers for more information on viewing these images. Note that you will need to login once as an Anonymous user before you can access the datasets. Images can be downloaded one-by-one from the Leginon viewer or as an entire set using the [[Dbemwiz|dbemwiz.jar]] tool and selecting the appropriate experiment names (e.g. 05oct20a). * Summary information may be viewed by selecting the Summary option at the top of the viewer window which will pop up a new window. * [[appion:|Appion processing pipeline information]] and all metadata may be accessed by selecting the Processing button at the top of the viewer window which will pop up a new window.