


Bug #60 »

program to do the conversion - Neil Voss, 03/07/2010 02:46 PM

#!/usr/bin/env python

import os
import math
import numpy
from pyami import mrc, imagefun
from scipy import special

The goal of this function is to create a function, f(r),
that will generate the original 2D envelopeImage.mrc

The function will contain 1D points and use linear interpolation
to fill in the gaps. The function is also monotonically decreasing.

Numpy has an linear interpolation function: numpy.interp

Scipy has non-linear interpolation functions: scipy.interpolate
including cubic spline, which is probably ideal.

I need to decide the resolution of the 1D and
I decided that 1 pixel was enough ranging between 0 and 2896
to fill a complete 4k image

Create two numpy arrays one for sums and a second for weight. Loop through all
pixels and make their contribution to the relevant pixels (+/- 3 pixels).
At the end, divide the sums by the weights and we obtain the 1D function, f(r).

For each integer in r, I will then calculate a mean based on all nearby values
+/- 2 pixels. Probably with a Gaussian weighting, error function in python
from scipy.special import erfc
weight = erfc( abs(r-r_i)/Sqrt(2) )

F[0] = 265.20575 based on linear extrapolation involving first 4 points
F[2896] = 185.45721 based on linear extrapolation involving last 4 points


def fromRadialFunc(funcrad, shape, **kwargs):
center_r = (shape[0] - 1)/2.0
center_c = (shape[1] - 1)/2.0
def funcrc(r, c, **kwargs):
rr = r - center_r
cc = c - center_c
rad = numpy.hypot(rr,cc)
return funcrad(rad, **kwargs)
result = numpy.fromfunction(funcrc, shape, **kwargs)
return result

def funcrad(r, xdata=None, rdata=None):
#print xdata.shape, rdata.shape
z = numpy.interp(r, xdata, rdata)
#print z
return z

def run():
env ="/home/vossman/myami/appion/appionlib/envelopeImage.mrc")
#env = imagefun.bin2(env, 16)
print env.shape
xcenter = (env.shape[0] - 1)/2.0
ycenter = (env.shape[1] - 1)/2.0
radialsize = int(math.ceil(max(env.shape[0], env.shape[1])/math.sqrt(2.0)))
sums = numpy.zeros((radialsize), dtype=numpy.float64)
weights = numpy.zeros((radialsize), dtype=numpy.float64)
### deal with end points
for deltaradius in range(4):
### double weight for ends
weight = 2.0*special.erfc( deltaradius/math.sqrt(2.0) )
### zero end
sums[deltaradius] += weight*265.20575
weights[deltaradius] += weight
### tail end
sums[2896-deltaradius] += weight*185.45721
weights[2896-deltaradius] += weight
### read data and apply
for x in range(env.shape[0]):
if x % 100 == 0:
print x
for y in range(env.shape[1]):
radius = math.hypot(x - xcenter, y - ycenter)
intesity = env[x,y]
for deltaradius in range(-3,4):
pixelradius = int(round(radius + deltaradius))
if pixelradius < 0 or pixelradius > radialsize-1:
distance = abs(radius - pixelradius)
weight = special.erfc( distance/math.sqrt(2.0) )
sums[pixelradius] += weight*intesity
#sumsquares[pixelradius] += weight*intesity*intesity
weights[pixelradius] += weight
rdata = sums/weights
print 0, rdata[0], "-->", 265.20575
print 2896, rdata[2896], "-->", 185.45721
rdata[0] = 265.20575
rdata[2896] = 185.45721
f = open('radial-envelope.numpy', 'wb')

return rdata

def test(rdata):
radialsize = rdata.shape[0]
envshape = (4096, 4096)
### write data out
f = open('radial-envelope.dat', 'w')
for i in range(radialsize):
f.write('%d\t%.8f\n'%(i, rdata[i]))

### create new mrc
xdata = numpy.arange(0, radialsize, 1.0, dtype=numpy.float64)
### fixed end values
print 0, rdata[0], "-->", 265.20575
print 2896, rdata[2896], "-->", 185.45721
rdata[0] = 265.20575
rdata[2896] = 185.45721
envcalc = fromRadialFunc(funcrad, envshape, xdata=xdata, rdata=rdata)
mrc.write(envcalc, 'calcualted-envelope.mrc')

if __name__ == "__main__":
if os.path.isfile('radial-envelope.numpy'):
f = open('radial-envelope.numpy', 'rb')
rdata = numpy.load(f)
rdata = run()
