


Gctf and "Tilt Refinement"

Added by Rick Baker over 7 years ago


I am collecting a tilted dataset and want to use Gctf to do per-particle CTF estimation. In the Appion page for Gctf, there is a section labeled "Tilt Refinement Parameters". Does this flag do per-particle CTF estimation, or just estimate a tilt across the entire micrograph?

Additionally, I tried to use the tilt refinement flag and got an error saying that flag does not exist.

Here is the command that was generated in Appion and the error that I got when I tried to run it. Is this a simple issue of version incompatibility, etc.?

Thanks for any help!
Rick --ampcontrast=0.1 --defstep=0.1 --dast=0.1 --resmin=50 --resmax=4 --fieldsize=1024 --do_EPA --mdef_aveN=7 --refine_tilt=0 --init_tilt_ang=20 
--max_phase_shift=180 --min_phase_shift=0 --phase_search_step=1 --phaseplate --runname=gctfrun1 --rundir=/data/microscopes/appion/17may30a/ctf/gctfrun1 
--preset=en-a --commit --projectid=20 --session=17may30a --no-rejects --no-wait --continue --bestdb --fastmode --expid=886 --jobtype=gctf

 ... Time stamp: 17may31p09
 ... Function name: gctf
 ... Appion directory: /data/software/repo/myami/3.3-alpha/lib/python2.7/site-packages
 ... Processing hostname:
Usage: --projectid=## --runname=<runname> --session=<session> --preset=<preset> --description='<text>' --commit [options] error: no such option: --refine_tilt

Replies (1)

RE: Gctf and "Tilt Refinement" - Added by Anchi Cheng over 7 years ago

There appears to be some inconsistency between option availability between versions. We currently use 1.06. Some of the options such as refine tilt angle left from version 0.5 appears to be not available.
We are looking into it.
