


changing /myamiImages path to something else

Added by Mario Dejung almost 13 years ago

Hello everybody,
I used the script to install appion and leginon on my system and everything works fine so far.
Since I want to use our compute cluster for processing, I want to transfer the images and files to our NFS server and I thought, the easiest way to do this is to change the default directory to something exportet by the NFS server, since there is more diskspace and a higher bandwidth.
If I leave it like it is at the moment, the cluster can't find the data, because /myamiImages doesn't exist on the cluster and on the compute nodes.

My problem is, I can't find any variable which points to /myamiImages. Is it hard coded in any way?

Any suggestions to set this up comfortable?

Kind regards

Replies (4)

RE: changing /myamiImages path to something else - Added by Anchi Cheng almost 13 years ago


Once you have installed. You can modify the image path in the leginon.cfg that the autoscript created to point it to new places manually.

RE: changing /myamiImages path to something else - Added by Mario Dejung almost 13 years ago

Hi Anchi,
thanks for your fast reply! But isn't this only the path to the original images? What about the appion data (/myamiImages/appion)? Is this path related to the path in the leginon.cfg file? Or can I set this path seperatly?

Kind regards

RE: changing /myamiImages path to something else - Added by Anchi Cheng almost 13 years ago

With v2.1 you can not set the default appion different from our tree-structure rule. We will have more flexibility in the next release. I just added some documentation to describe these rules. I hope they will be helpful to you and others.

File Server Setup Considerations


RE: changing /myamiImages path to something else - Added by Mario Dejung almost 13 years ago

Hi Anchi,
thanks a lot, I think that is the solution I was looking for... Looking forward to v2.2... Would love to have more flexibility...

