


Steps to restore myamiweb to pristine state?

Added by Patrick Goetz over 6 years ago

We used the ~/myamiweb/setup screen to set up the leginondb and projectdb databases, create an administrative user, etc; but now we're unable to login using the administrative username and password. Since I've made changes to the mysql portion of this code, I'm not sure if it's a bug I introduced, or if we just made a mistake. Consequently, I would like to start completely from scratch and run through the setup again to confirm that it was just an error introduced during setup.

To facilitate this, what's necessary to restore myamiweb to a "dataless" state?

Replies (1)

RE: Steps to restore myamiweb to pristine state? - Added by Anchi Cheng over 6 years ago

To restart setup again, you just need to drop all tables in both leginondb and projectdb databases without deleting the databases. You should also move myamiweb/config.php to a backup if you want to start with entering all the information in the setup wizard.
