


"Retrying correlate image: int() argument must be a string or a number" on Titan Krios with K2 camera

Added by Changlu Tao over 10 years ago

Hi Anchi,

We are trying to run leginon tomography on Titan Krios with K2 summit camera at UCLA.
In general, after the upgrade, leginon tomography works on our instrument.
However, there are still some problems as listed.
1. Retrying correlate image: int() argument must be a string or a number.
We often meet with this figure

2. Images collect by Digital Microgaph looks fine,however the same place took by leginon with auto-contrast show totally black.

3. Dose problems. we want to record images under counting mode, however there's a dosage issue.

Thank you very much in advance!


Replies (1)

RE: "Retrying correlate image: int() argument must be a string or a number" on Titan Krios with K2 camera - Added by Anchi Cheng over 10 years ago

After a few e-mail and phone calls, 1 and 3 were resolved.

1. This is the symptom of bug #2469. Updated to revision beyond r17981 fixed the problem.

2. This is problem of tomography node image viewer scaling. Will need fixing but it is not fatal. The images can be viewed in web image viewer.

3. The exposure dose per image in tomography is controlled by total exposure time and number of tilts. The approximate value is

exposure_dose_per_tilt ~ total_exposure / number_of_tilts

For K2 counting and with good fiducials, the total dose should be set low enough to give reasonable exposure time restricted by the limit imposed in the advanced settings.

For example, aim for 1 second exposure for a 4A/pixel image at 8 e/pixel/s dose rate means a +/- 60 deg tilt with 2 deg step needs only 30 e/A^2 total dose.
