


Can't aqcuire stack/movie

Added by cameron kennedy over 9 years ago


I'm not sure if this is related to my other issue or not, but I now have two scopes failing to DM acquire shape in slightly different ways.

I have a TF20 with a new model Gatan K2 camera running leginon 3.1. Everything was working for a couple of months.

Now my users are unable to collect a frame stack in super resolution mode.

I have reset our configuration files and leginon installation tree to a known working state by restoring from backups, and I have setup a new leginon database and webserver.

We can take single images, and references, but can't collect a stack.
The received image from the call to DM acquire shape (7420,7676) appears to be (0,0).

I'm attaching some screen shots of the output from DM, the leginon GUI, and the camera/main console running on the PC that controls the K2 camera.

Thank you for any ideas of what we may have done to break our setup, we appreciated your help

Replies (1)

RE: Can't aqcuire stack/movie - Added by Anchi Cheng over 9 years ago

Odd enough, my recommendation is to restart Digital Micrograph. if not helping, restart the digitizer, and so on. This type of loss of plugin ability happens some time. If the software has not change, that often reset the glitch
