


exposure area visualisation

Added by Ariane Fecteau about 9 years ago

We would like to visualize the exposure area by clicking show exposure area. Is this also possible when you choose targets at the very begining from the atlas? (square targeting) Because we always get an error when we press "show exposure area":
"No image to calculate exposure area"
Further when we press the exposure target settings buttion no window appears. All this works perfectly in the subsquare targeting and exposure targeting node. Do you have any ideas what the reason for this is?

Replies (3)

RE: exposure area visualisation - Added by Anchi Cheng about 9 years ago

Hi, Ariane,

Sorry for keep you hanging for so long, I only notice this today when I am tally Forum entry in the last few months. This must have been posted when we had e-mail system trouble. The answer to the first question about square targeting is no. Currently this is not possible as the atlas is made in a very different way from the others. I will have to make some effort to make it work there.

Regarding the second question. Do you mean the settings does not appear in the node named "Exposure Target", or do you mean the settings tool in the target control next to "acquisition" target display tool in the node "Square Targeting" ? If it is the latter, it is normal. There is no settings for them. I will deactivate them in the next version.

RE: exposure area visualisation - Added by Claudio Schmidli about 9 years ago

Hi Anchi,

Thanks a lot for the answer! Yes we were talking about the settings tool next to "acqusition" target display tool. The aim was to cover a very large area at low magnification. Therefore we wanted to add a raster of square aquisition targets. But if I understood you correctly this is not possible. So we have to choose the square targets by hand, right?



RE: exposure area visualisation - Added by Anchi Cheng about 9 years ago

O.K., I see what you are going after. Unfortunately, the answer is that you can not do automated raster targeting in "Square Targeting" node because we didn't write it that way. What you want is not very hard to add but I don't have time to do it now. I have added it as a feature request as Issue #3376.
