

Ariane Fecteau


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 2 2
Reported issues 0 2 2



10:08 AM Leginon Leginon: Trouble in MSI-Raster, sub-square targeting, Leginon3.1
I want to image a 3-slot-grid with continuous carbon film (negative stain). I'm using MSI-Raster for this. At t...
Ariane Fecteau


09:25 AM Leginon Leginon: exposure area visualisation
We would like to visualize the exposure area by clicking show exposure area. Is this also possible when you choose ta... Ariane Fecteau


04:19 AM Leginon Bug #3260: Error message on the 2 client computers: "No interface could be initialized"
Thanks Anchi,
Everything OK now.
Ariane Fecteau


03:28 AM Leginon Bug #3260: Error message on the 2 client computers: "No interface could be initialized"
Sorry, now this error only occurs on the microscope computer. CAMC4 is initialized ok on the Tietz computer.
Ariane Fecteau
03:12 AM Leginon Bug #3260 (Closed): Error message on the 2 client computers: "No interface could be initialized"
Hi, We have a Tecnai12 microscope running on XP and a Tietz camera running on XP too. When we start our clients we g... Ariane Fecteau
03:03 AM Leginon Bug #3252: error message: Leginon.project.NotConnectedError: (1044,”Access denied for user ‘usr_object’@’’ to database ‘projectdb’”)
Our computer name was changed and of course was necessary to add to the MySQL list of hosts and IPs. All OK now. Than... Ariane Fecteau


06:50 AM Leginon Bug #3252 (Closed): error message: Leginon.project.NotConnectedError: (1044,”Access denied for user ‘usr_object’@’’ to database ‘projectdb’”)
When I do python command import start I get this error message:
Leginon.project.NotConnectedError: (1044,”Access de...
Ariane Fecteau

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