


Phase plate integration?

Added by Michael Cianfrocco almost 9 years ago

Is there a plan to integrate leginon with the phase plate technology that is emerging on the new FEI microscopes (e.g. Talos, Artica)?

We will have leginon operating on our Talos-Artica, which will have the thin film phase plate installed on the microscope. Therefore, we were wondering if this is a feature that is in the pipeline for future releases of Leginon? If so, what sort of progress has been made? We have a computer science undergraduate who can help to implement this feature.


Replies (3)

RE: Phase plate integration? - Added by Anchi Cheng almost 9 years ago

Hi, Mike,

It is certainly on our mind but I have not done anything about it, yet. There are other users asking about the same thing. The main challenge of using volta phase plate is getting really accurate focus. We will need to try a few things. One thing I would love to have from an algorithm point of view is a fast measurement of defocus from power spectrum at close to zero defocus. Phase plate ctf moves a lot there, and it translates to an easy convergence of defocus fitting there if measurable. Once you have yours, I will be happy to work with you.

RE: Phase plate integration? - Added by Michael Cianfrocco almost 9 years ago

Hi Anchi,

Thanks for your response! I'll follow up more with you later regarding the necessary steps and features that we'd need to integrate the volta phase plate when the microscope is closer to being built.


RE: Phase plate integration? - Added by Jian Shi over 8 years ago

I would happy to test VPP function on our Krios. Recent Rado's 3-4A VPP paper are really exciting news,but also put very stringent conditions to use.
