


Webpage no displaying for goniometer calibration and tomo shift graph

Added by Aguang Dai almost 7 years ago

Hi there,

Recently I was doing some calibration and setup for Tomo.
For modeled stage position, I can't see the result in Administration on webpage; the same for tilt series, I can't see the shift graph.
I attached a screenshot for current webpage displaying, and one for what I'm looking for.
I'm wondering which option I need to turn on in cfg or other setup file.


Replies (1)

RE: Webpage no displaying for goniometer calibration and tomo shift graph - Added by Anchi Cheng almost 7 years ago

My best guess is that the jpgraph included with myamiweb does not work with your newer php version from Ubuntu. If all webpage that contains graphs have the same problem, such as session summary page, try to download newer version of jpgraph, put it in the library path and see if it solves the problem.
