Error acquiring image: Error sending request: Request
Added by Caleigh Azumaya over 3 years ago
We have been using leginon 3.5 for the last 6 months and things were working until I updated SerialEM on our K3 computer to version 3.8.12 a few days ago. The SEMCCD...dll version was updated and I am having problems with Leginon (though not SerialEM). I downgraded this dll file back down to 2.31-64, but am still getting the same error.
The error is "Error acquiring image: Error sending request: Request" in the GUI log.
It seems like Leginon can "simulate target" to take images fine, but will give the error in all automated nodes like 'Correction' or 'Z-focus' or 'Drift Monitor' and 'Focus'.
The - still works ok with the microscope and the client and the camera computer is seemingly registering the correct image sizes when it's throwing the errors.
Does someone know why this would be happening? Thanks for the help.
Replies (7)
RE: Error acquiring image: Error sending request: Request - Added by Anchi Cheng over 3 years ago
Let me ask David Mastronarde what he changed. Can you run a basic pyscope camera test from python command line as described in Gatan_K3_installation_and_setup ? That should have more information on the error. Thanks.
RE: Error acquiring image: Error sending request: Request - Added by Caleigh Azumaya over 3 years ago
Hi Anchi,
Thank you so much. The pyscope test is attached below. Let me know if you need anything else to help diagnose
pyscope_090321[96].png (48.2 KB) pyscope_090321[96].png |
RE: Error acquiring image: Error sending request: Request - Added by Anchi Cheng over 3 years ago
The result is normal. However, this is not saving frames. Could you insert the command
before getImage is called ?
RE: Error acquiring image: Error sending request: Request - Added by Anchi Cheng over 3 years ago
I noticed that your original message said that it only happens on nodes such as Correction node. That is particularly odd. Could you give me more details such as settings used and tool used (raw/corrected, channel etc.). A screenshot of the log shown surrounding the error (please expand the window so I can see more), would be helpful, too.
RE: Error acquiring image: Error sending request: Request - Added by Caleigh Azumaya over 3 years ago
Oh yes, specifically, it will take
Raw, Channel 0, Acquire = no error
Dark, Both Channels, Acquire = error
then it will freeze the correction node, but I can move to Hole or Exposure or something and still simulate target to save an image. I will attach a photo in a moment.
RE: Error acquiring image: Error sending request: Request - Added by Caleigh Azumaya over 3 years ago
with save frames
RE: Error acquiring image: Error sending request: Request - Added by Caleigh Azumaya over 3 years ago
Well, now there are errors at different places.
Here is a screenshot of the error log and the client log after running
Correction: Raw: Channel 0: Acquire
Correction: Dark: Both Channels: Acquire
Correction: Bright: Both Channels: Acquire
Correction: Corrected: Channel 0: Acquire
There is no error when I do Hole: Simulate Target
But then there are errors (attached) when I try to submit two exposure targets and a focus target (and then submit to run the drift monitor, focus, exposure automatically). Drift monitor gets stuck and will not progress from there.
client_log[27].png (118 KB) client_log[27].png | client log | ||
leginon_gui_driftmonitor[72].png (705 KB) leginon_gui_driftmonitor[72].png | drift monitor error | ||
leginon_gui_log[24].png (404 KB) leginon_gui_log[24].png | correction error | ||
leginon_gui_hole_simulatetarget[12].png (591 KB) leginon_gui_hole_simulatetarget[12].png | no error | ||
leginon_gui_log2[91].png (542 KB) leginon_gui_log2[91].png | correction error 2 |