Test Case #100
openLog in as a user with privilege level 4
Start date:
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- Login as a user in the "guest" group (privilege level 4)
- Notice that you do not have access to the Administration tool or ProjectDB tool (Should they?)
- Select the Image Viewer tool
- From the Project drop down list, confirm that you can select any project that contains an experiment that has been shared with you
- Verify that you may view only projects that you are shared
- Select a project contains an experiment that has been shared with you
- Confirm that you may not edit the project
- Confirm that you may not add an owner
- Confirm that you may not unlink the database
- Confirm that you may not upload images to a new session
- Confirm that you may not share an experiment
- Confirm that you may view shared experiments
- Confirm that you may not Process shared experiments
Updated by Amber Herold about 15 years ago
- Subject changed from Log in as a user with privelege level 4 to Log in as a user with privilege level 4
- Status changed from Untested to Fail
May not view all shared experiments in Image Viewer. #158