



Feature #1185


Leginon setup wizard in Appion

Added by Jim Pulokas over 13 years ago.

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Note: this is not "replace Leginon GUI with a web interface". That would be way in the future.

It has been discussed that Appion should allow the user to repeat an entire pipeline process. Since Leginon is often the starting point of the data, it makes sense to include it in the pipeline.

The idea is to use the Appion technique of setting up a program in an easy to use web interface, then launching it. In the case of Leginon this means setting up the parameters of the Session:
  • project
  • user
  • instrument
  • application to use
  • initial settings copied from another session or user
  • initial presets copied from another session or user

then "copy command to a terminal", where command is something like:

leginon 11feb10a

The session has already been set up in the database, so that command will start up leginon without the usual setup wizard that it has now.

Other maybe useful features:
  • while viewing images on 3-way viewer etc. There should be a link "Set up a similar session" which would go to the Leginon setup page and populate it with defaults based on the existing session, presets with the same mag and defocus, same application.
  • "Virtual Anchi/Erica/Joel" - an assitant to help you plan your Leginon session. You enter in your desired parameters about what you want to achieve, then it plans out your session: application, settings, presets, instrument to use, how many images you will need to acquire, how long it will take so you can reserve the scope...
  • In some cases, it may be useful to launch directly from the web, rather than copy/paste the command. Simple sessions that do not need user interaction. For example, set up a session to automatically acquire darks/brights overnight, then launch it. Leginon still needs to get a little smarter before that can happen, like automatically setting up the beam, opening valves, etc. Also, more reliable "pyscope server" on the instrument host that does not need to be restarted every time Leginon is started.

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