Bug #1281
closedemanJobGen.php default runname counting is not safe
default runname count in emanJobGen counts the total number of apAppionJobData of the session and jobtype emanrecon. But if someone use non-default number, it get tricked to think the non-default number is available. This causes a series problem if one accidentally start an recon job that already exist. It will overwrite the .job file so that the old (and good) one is lost.
For example, I was in 11feb24d to try to run a test emanrecon job. The myamiweb gave me emanrecon8 as default. However, Anna has run emanrecon8....
Updated by Anchi Cheng almost 14 years ago
I just noticed that if I hide an uploaded recon, the default run number would go down by one, which is probably one of the problem.
Updated by Amber Herold almost 14 years ago
- Priority changed from High to Urgent
Updated by Amber Herold almost 14 years ago
- Status changed from Assigned to In Code Review
- Assignee changed from Amber Herold to Anchi Cheng
Take a look at the code...
I decided to just replace the number counting algorithm and leave the prepended name portion the same. Seemed it would be easier to convert things quickly this way. We can try to standardize the default naming accross package types as a next step.
Updated by Anchi Cheng over 13 years ago
- Status changed from In Code Review to In Test
It seems to be a shame that the determination of default runname is moved from basicreport back to particledat.inc since the latter has become the dumping ground for anything we don't know where to go. Amber plan to revisit where these go in the near future to find a better separation.
I will call it code-reviewed done so that we can move on.