Feature #1409
closedmake gain correction on dd raw frames for stack making
make it dynamically sum and gain correct.
Updated by Anchi Cheng about 13 years ago
- Status changed from New to In Code Review
- Assignee changed from Anchi Cheng to Jim Pulokas
- Priority changed from Normal to Low
This works. Just need to be used.
Updated by Anchi Cheng almost 13 years ago
This feature needs workaround while in Appion 2.2. This will not be necessary once 3.0 is released
Appion 2.2 assumes the use of default installation of CentOS 5 with python 2.4 and EMAN 1.
DDprocess needs python 2.6 included in CentOS 6. However, EMAN 1 suffers a library problem found in CentOS 6.2 (current release) so that it creates corrupted particle stacks.
Th workaround is the following:
1. Run makestack2.py from command line on a computer with python 2.6 and associated libraries (tifffile) with --commit and --saveall to commit the particles in the database while leave the *.down.mrc that are gain-corrected frame integrated dd images.
For example:
makestack2.py --single=start.hed --selectionid=23 --no-invert --boxsize=400 --description="example" --projectid=333 --preset=ed --session=12mar26c --runname=stack10 --rundir=/data/appion/12mar26c/stacks/stack10 --no-rejects --no-wait --commit --ddstartframe=5 --ddnframe=10 --continue --expId=9731 --jobtype=makestack2 --saveall
3. Remove the files of the following wild card: "*.donedict" and "start.*" This way you can rerun the same command without adding extra particles into the database and stack file.
4. Rerun the same makestack2.py command (You may find a log of it in makestack2.log) with these modifications:
- change --commit to --no-commit
- add option --usedownmrc
For example:
makestack2.py --single=start.hed --selectionid=23 --no-invert --boxsize=400 --description="example" --projectid=333 --preset=ed --session=12mar26c --runname=stack10 --rundir=/data/appion/12mar26c/stacks/stack10 --no-rejects --no-wait --no-commit --ddstartframe=5 --ddnframe=10 --continue --expId=9731 --jobtype=makestack2 --saveall --usedownmrc
Code changes required for this workaround is committed as r16537 in trunk and merged to 2.2 branch as r16541
Updated by Anchi Cheng about 7 years ago
- Status changed from In Code Review to Closed
worked a long time ago.