Bug #1438
openMatlab scripts to read MRC files are reading angles incorrectly
They should be read as floats instead of longs, per the following message:
From: Matthew Sochor <matthew.sochor@gmail.com>
Date: September 26, 2011 11:45:33 AM PDT
To: "ami@scripps.edu" <ami@scripps.edu>
Subject: read MRC file matlab scriptsHi,
I found your Matlab scripts (http://emg.nysbc.org/software/mrctools/mrc_specification.php) to read Chimera .mrc files. Thanks for writing these, they worked great.
One thing I did find which I wanted to share with you, the file did not read in the cellx, celly or cellz's correctly (or the angles that followed for that matter). If you read it as a float instead of a long it does however work.
Here are the relevant lines:
mx = fread(fid,1,'long');
my = fread(fid,1,'long');
mz = fread(fid,1,'long');
cellx = fread(fid,1,'float');
celly = fread(fid,1,'float');
cellz = fread(fid,1,'float');
Also, are we goign to contnue to offer a mrc reading module?
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