Bug #1677
closedtomomaker exclude list gui make better sense to start from 1
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Affected Version:
Appion/Leginon 2.2.0
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From Shawn's mistake, I think users are more likely know which image to exclude from looking at the images in the web viewer which count the images from 1 not 0.
Updated by Anchi Cheng almost 13 years ago
- Status changed from Assigned to In Code Review
- Assignee changed from Anchi Cheng to Jim Pulokas
Use any tilt series that has been aligned.
1. Select "Create Full Tomogram" under tomography submenu, and choose the aligned tilt series.
2. Enter the last image number as the excluded image.
3. Run the tomogram reconstruction on guppy.
This should be successful. The old code would have failed.
John can test once I show him how to run.
Updated by Jim Pulokas almost 13 years ago
- Status changed from In Code Review to In Test
- Assignee changed from Jim Pulokas to John Crum
code reviewed and on to test...
Updated by John Crum over 10 years ago
- Assignee deleted (
John Crum) - Affected Version changed from Appion/Leginon 2.1.0 to Appion/Leginon 2.2.0