



Bug #2549


Make sure that very old ctf runs are still sorted correctly

Added by Amber Herold over 11 years ago. Updated about 9 years ago.

Target version:
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Affected Version:
Appion/Leginon 3.0.0
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CTF runs are sorted based on the new values resolution_80_percent and resolution_50_percent.
If an old project is displaying old runs that do not have these values in the database, it is not properly sorted.
I'm adding code to consider the old sorting criteria as well in the case that the new criteria are not available.

Related issues 1 (0 open1 closed)

Related to Appion - Feature #2380: How to get best CTF estimation from databaseClosedAmber Herold06/04/2013

Actions #1

Updated by Amber Herold over 11 years ago

r17929 takes care of web side.
Need to look into python side as well to ensure back compatible.

Neil, I see you just made a change in the python side, is there anything that you know is not backward compatible?
We need to make sure old projects behave the same way they used to, without all the newer DB entries.

Actions #2

Updated by Amber Herold over 11 years ago

Anchi, Neil,
It looks like on the Python side the following critera are used to determine the best ctf values for makestack:

def calculateConfidenceScore(ctfdata, ctfavg=True):
    # get ctf confidence values
    conf1 = ctfdata['confidence']
    conf2 = ctfdata['confidence_d']
    conf3 = ctfdata['confidence_30_10']
    conf4 = ctfdata['confidence_5_peak']
    conf = max(conf1, conf2, conf3, conf4)
    if conf < 0:
        conf = 0
    return conf

So, it is using confidence values rather than the resolution_80_percent and resolution_50_percent that the web side is using for determining the best values.
Is this the intended behavior?

Actions #3

Updated by Neil Voss over 11 years ago

Sorry for the delay. I may not have changed makestack yet? I forget. I guess I was assuming that I did. I thought I set it up that if there is no resolution then it goes to the calculateConfidenceScore() subfunction, but I will have to look into it more deeply, which I why I have not responded to this bug, though I did flag it in my email.

Actions #4

Updated by Amber Herold over 10 years ago

  • Assignee changed from Amber Herold to Neil Voss

Neil, I'm assigning this one over to you, perhaps we can check it and close it out at the appion workshop.

Actions #5

Updated by Neil Voss about 9 years ago

  • Priority changed from High to Low

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