Feature #2847
closedadd DE frame alignment script
DE has written a frame alignment and particle alignment script. I am implementing it in Appion. There will be two separate scripts: one that depends on particle stacks, and one that runs on whole frames.
Updated by Neil Voss over 10 years ago
- Status changed from New to Assigned
- Assignee set to Scott Stagg
add install instruction for the DE script
Updated by Clint Potter over 10 years ago
8/27 Appion cofnerence call: Scott has a working prototype at FSU. Could work at TSRI but needs different geometric transformations. Scott hasn't been able to figure this out yet. Created particle and whole frame alignment. Need launcher web page too.
Updated by Amber Herold over 10 years ago
I may have time to implement the launcher in September if you have trouble finding the time.
Updated by Scott Stagg over 10 years ago
Amber, here is an example of a command line. There are a ton of other options, but they are all advanced options. If you can make a page that has normal and advanced options, I can fill in the rest.
de_aligner.py \ --runname run7 -R /data/lustre/appiondata/14may19b/framealignment/run7 \ --stackid=971 --projectid 20 --darkreference_transform=3 --gainreference_transform=3 \ --defects_columns=690 --defects_rows=1093,1094,3369,3370,3371 \ --alignment_correct=1 --boxes_transform=2 --radiationdamage_compensate=1 \ --radiationdamage_exposurerate=2.92 --radiationdamage_apix=1.25813 \ --output_rotation=90 --alignment_target=boxes
Updated by Amber Herold over 10 years ago
Scott, where in the pipeline menu should this be added to?
Updated by Scott Stagg over 10 years ago
It depends on stacks, so I would make it under the stack menu
Updated by Bridget Carragher over 10 years ago
Can I override that and suggest it goes in the direct detector tools section?
Updated by Amber Herold over 10 years ago
- File DDAlign.png DDAlign.png added
Scott, this is aligning image frames right, rather than particles?
I think the makestack area is focused on particle alignment. There is also a Direct Dectector Tools menu heading where you can create a raw frame stack. Anchi has it set up so that you can start the alignment an these images when you create the frame stack.
Looking at the attached screenshot, I'm thinking that we can add your method here. If the align option is checked (which it is by default), we can give the user the option of the current alignment method, or the new one that you are adding. If your method is selected, then we can display the parameters in the space on the right hand side that is currently unused.
How does this sound?
Anchi, can you please weigh in, since you worked on the original raw frame alignment?
Updated by Amber Herold over 10 years ago
After talking to Anchi, it sounds like the new aligner does both particles and images, so it may need to show up in both GUI locations. The addition to makestack is similar to what needs to be done to add Relion movie processing, however I have not done that yet, and it would take a somewhat long while to do. Makestack is a beast on both the GUI and python side.
I will bow out of this one since it will take much longer than the 1 day I have left, and wish you good luck Scott! Hopefully Anchi will be available to help.
Updated by Scott Stagg over 10 years ago
There are actually two different scripts. One depends on a preexisting particle stack and aligns frames of particles, and the other processes whole frames. These scripts are somewhat philosophically different than Anchi's scripts, and so for now I'd like them to have separate launcher pages. They really won't be nearly as complicated as you outline above. If you can set up the particle frame alignment page (at least the outline of it), I'm sure I can finish it up relatively quickly. The launcher page could go under the stacks heading or the direct detector tools, but keep in mind the particle aligner depends on a preexisting stack of particles which is why I was suggesting it go under the stack heading.
Updated by Amber Herold over 10 years ago
I've added a GUI for de_aligner.py based on the command you listed above. I put it under "more stack tools" in the stacks section of the pipeline. The location can easily be moved if needed. See r18596 for the code.
Updated by Clint Potter almost 10 years ago
Scott ran into file server problems. Too slow at FSU. Wants to use HPC but can't get job launcher too work. Started appionpbs loop class instead of appionloop2 that enables a new method for submitting to a cluster. The frame alignment script will use this.
Updated by Scott Stagg almost 10 years ago
I just added the appionPBS.py module to the repository. I forgot to add the associate the revision to this thread. I don't know how to add it after the fact, but the revision is 18823. I'm pretty excited about the new module. I have it working on a test copy of makeDEAlignedSum.py, and it has increased the throughput for aligning frames, by as many processors I have access to on the cluster. The nice thing is that it is launching single processor jobs, so they start super quick. I think we can use this for parallelizing a lot of different processes.
Updated by Scott Stagg over 9 years ago
I got the DE aligner script to work at NYSBC and added a web launch page.
Updated by Scott Stagg over 9 years ago
added support for sym links and better support for serial mode.
Updated by Anchi Cheng over 9 years ago
- Assignee changed from Scott Stagg to Sargis Dallakyan
Tried out Scott's commit so far. Get to the point it generates the multiple image.sh file. However, I can not find the appion command file it needs, deProcessFrames.py. I thought it might by a DE_process_frames-version.number.py. Therefore I made a link to it.
The error I got is
Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/acheng/myami/appion/bin/deProcessFrames.py", line 2904, in <module> main( ) File "/home/acheng/myami/appion/bin/deProcessFrames.py", line 2755, in main flat_field_corrector.preprocess_references( ) File "/home/acheng/myami/appion/bin/deProcessFrames.py", line 577, in preprocess_references self.__process_gain_reference( ) File "/home/acheng/myami/appion/bin/deProcessFrames.py", line 379, in __process_gain_reference self._gain_reference_image.process_inplace( "math.reciprocal" ) RuntimeError: NotExistingObjectException at /home/amber/workshop/neil/eman2/EMAN2/src/eman2/libEM/emobject.h:820: error with 'math.reciprocal': 'No such an instance existing' caught
No sure if it means I've got a wrong instance of EMAN2. I copied /opt/myamisnap/bin/appion to my home directory and used it but replaced appion paths with mine sandbox.
Scott, did you have problem when running on guppy ?
Updated by Scott Stagg over 9 years ago
The script requires EMAN2. It is in my environment on guppy. Sargis, if you become my user, you can see where it is installed. The script requires the DE_aligner python script to be in both your PYTHONPATH and your PATH. It also requires that the script be called deProcessFrames.py just like you figured out. I made a module file in my environment that sets it up properly.
Updated by Sargis Dallakyan over 9 years ago
- Assignee changed from Sargis Dallakyan to Anchi Cheng
I run the following commands as sstagg on guppy:
[sstagg@guppy ~]$ module avail -------------------------------------------- /usr/share/Modules/modulefiles -------------------------------------------- dot module-cvs module-info modules null use.own --------------------------------------------------- /etc/modulefiles --------------------------------------------------- chimera compat-openmpi-x86_64 relion/1.4b1 xmipp/3.1 ------------------------------------------ /emg/data00/dev/scott/etc/modules ------------------------------------------- de_process_frames [sstagg@guppy ~]$ more /emg/data00/dev/scott/etc/modules/de_process_frames #%Module 1.0 # # OpenMPI module for use with 'environment-modules' package: # module-whatis "Set environment for processing DE frames" set topdir /emg/data00/dev/scott/de_process_frames prepend-path PYTHONPATH $topdir prepend-path PATH $topdir
Here is what I think is relevant part in /home/sstagg/.cshrc to reproduce Scott's environment on guppy:
setenv MYAMIROOT /emg/data00/dev/scott/myami setenv APPIONROOT ${MYAMIROOT}/appion setenv EMAN2DIR /opt/EMAN2.1 setenv PYTHONPATH ${EMAN2DIR}/lib:${EMAN2DIR}/bin:${APPIONROOT}:${MYAMIROOT}/leginon:${MYAMIROOT}:${APPIONROOT}/bin:${PY THONPATH} setenv PATH ${APPIONROOT}/bin:$PATH #setenv PATH ${APPIONROOT}/bin:/opt/EMAN2/Python/bin:$PATH setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH /opt/EMAN2.1/lib:/opt/python/lib/:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH setenv PATH ${PATH}:/home/sstagg/bin setenv MODULEPATH ${MODULEPATH}:/emg/data00/dev/scott/etc/modules module load de_process_frames
Updated by Anchi Cheng over 9 years ago
- Assignee changed from Anchi Cheng to Scott Stagg
I have got it working with appion wrapper syntex and module load that loads eman2 libraries in my sandbox environment.
appionPBS.py needs to have a way of passing appionwrapper into the job script to load the proper modules. Scott, I can write that part and complete the myamiweb gui as standard appionloop if it is o.k. with you. I need to make it working here for the users waiting to process their images.
Updated by Scott Stagg over 9 years ago
Anchi, that is fine with me. There are still some things that need to be worked out with appionPBS, but I'm happy to see how you modify it.
Updated by Anchi Cheng over 9 years ago
What does checkJob wait for ? an output file that gets added in the scratch directory named image.sh.xxxx ? Doesn't this depends on the job management system ?
Updated by Scott Stagg over 9 years ago
It looks for the job outfile. It should appear in the directory from which the job was launched. Right now it is specific for PBS or MOAB clusters because that was all that I could test on. I'm working on adding the SLURM option this week. I will likely change this part substantially in the next weeks. Instead of checking for the job outfile, I'm thinking of having the job create a unique done file that checkJob would look for. I chose to have it look for a file instead of interacting with the resource manager because the manager sometimes gets overloaded and that could cause the whole thing to fail.
Updated by Anchi Cheng over 9 years ago
- Related to Feature #3381: appionPBS.py added
Updated by Anchi Cheng over 9 years ago
The python part now work at nramm cluster with commit as run and aligned image with r19080 and r19081 changes
Updated by Anchi Cheng over 9 years ago
r19084 add mechanism to shorten defect column and row list to within the cropped area of the border. Otherwise, my testdata with all border taken out takes too long (54 min) to process, instead of (17 min). Scott, is 17 min per image reasonably matchs your experience ?
Updated by Scott Stagg over 9 years ago
The border should not be included in the bad rows and columns. It doesn't affect the frame alignment and it is cropped out later. I'm going to crop that part out of your code if that's OK. With ~40 frames, it takes us around 5 minutes, I believe. I can get you a better estimate after I get slurm up and running. I should be committing that later today.
Updated by Anchi Cheng over 9 years ago
Please don't take that code out. It is doing the opposite.
My Leginon correction plan in the test dataset includes columns and/or rows in the border part. For example, column 0 and 5119. With border option, DE program really does not need to include that, which is why I want to filter them out before feeding into DE program.
Updated by Scott Stagg over 9 years ago
Hey Anchi and Sargis,
Since Anchi added an option to automatically determine the bad rows and columns, I'm wondering if I could get one of you to add an advanced section to the web launch page and move the defective rows and columns options to the advanced section. I would do it myself, but I don't know how. Once I see how it's done, I can fill it up with some other options.
Updated by Anchi Cheng over 9 years ago
r19086 put defects in advanced display. I also add standard appionLoop on the left side.
Updated by Scott Stagg over 9 years ago
r19090 filled out job submission web page with relevant options. Note, file handling is set to copy. NYSBC users will want to set that to link. It will work with copy but will be slower for them.
Updated by Anchi Cheng over 9 years ago
r19093 adds wrapper parameter and default it according to config.php. Also found better way of setting selection parameter based on what is done for presets in appionLoopTable.inc
Updated by Scott Stagg over 9 years ago
We are having a problem that I don't know how to fix. The problem has to do with database replication. My dbemdata database is replicated between two different hosts. When the frame alignment script inserts the new resulting image into the db on one host, that entry isn't getting replicated to the other host. We don't have this problem for data collected with Leginon. My system admin has seen this type of problem before and thinks the problem is that the database to which the data is being inserted isn't explicit enough, so it isn't being replicated. In other words, if we were to use the regular mysql interface like so: use dbemdata; insert ...; then the entry would be replicated, but if dbemdata wasn't explicitly selected, the entry wouldn't be replicated. He said the concept is analogous to the difference between a full path and a relative path. For this script, I think it has to do with sinedon making inserts into both the leginon and the appion database. I don't know how to get this working properly. Sargis or Anchi, do you have any ideas?
Updated by Sargis Dallakyan over 9 years ago
Scott Stagg wrote:
We are having a problem that I don't know how to fix. The problem has to do with database replication. My dbemdata database is replicated between two different hosts. When the frame alignment script inserts the new resulting image into the db on one host, that entry isn't getting replicated to the other host. We don't have this problem for data collected with Leginon. My system admin has seen this type of problem before and thinks the problem is that the database to which the data is being inserted isn't explicit enough, so it isn't being replicated. In other words, if we were to use the regular mysql interface like so: use dbemdata; insert ...; then the entry would be replicated, but if dbemdata wasn't explicitly selected, the entry wouldn't be replicated. He said the concept is analogous to the difference between a full path and a relative path. For this script, I think it has to do with sinedon making inserts into both the leginon and the appion database. I don't know how to get this working properly. Sargis or Anchi, do you have any ideas?
I don't have experience with master-master replication. I did master-slave replication when we were upgrading our db server.
I came across this link about Replication Features and Issues https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.6/en/replication-features-create-select.html
Now that you mentioned it, our auto installer was having similar issue; it was trying to insert without selecting the database. Maybe you can try older version of mysql (<5.1) or the latest version to see if that helps. I'll try to get to the bottom of this issue with auto installer when I get a chance.
Updated by Anchi Cheng over 9 years ago
- File sqldict.py sqldict.py added
I have made an addition of forcing a "use current database" in the insert query in sinedon. sqldict.py I attached here. I am not sure it will help, though. The database name set in this usage came from the same instance of connection, so it is probably the same. Any way, give it a try. You can also turn on debug option at the beginning of the file to see the query constructed.
The other thing you can try is do an insert of newimagedata first before inserting ApDDAlignImagePairData in the function commitAlignedImageToDatabase. This way, it is inserted inside a pure leginondata instance of sinedon. What is returned from apDBImage.makeAlignedImageData is not yet committed right now.
Updated by Anchi Cheng about 9 years ago
- Target version set to Appion/Leginon 3.2
The full frame alignment works at NYSBC
Updated by Scott Stagg about 9 years ago
I fixed the replication error that we were having. Like Anchi suggested, all it required was inserting the leginondata separately from the appiondata. Anchi, can you merge this into the 3.2 release if you find the change satisfactory?
Updated by Anchi Cheng about 9 years ago
Looks good. Will merge to 3.2 by tonight. Can we close this issue as a completed 3.2 feature ? You can open a separate one for per-particle implementation if needed.