Bug #2951
closederror in calculating raster spacing and angle with image shift as move type in raster finder
Reported by Thorsten Mielke
After updating to 3.1, I observed a new problem with exposure targeting in the MSI-raster application. Sub-square targeting works fine (sq=560x mag, hl=4400x mag). However, when calculating the final exposure targets (hl=4400x mag, ef=15000x mag or higher), Leginon gives the following error while calculating the spacing and angle for the ef-preset:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/local/LEGINON/Python/lib/python2.7/site-packages/leginon/gui/wx/RasterFinder.py", line 228, in onAutoButton
s,a = self.node.autoSpacingAngle()
File "/usr/local/LEGINON/Python/lib/python2.7/site-packages/leginon/rasterfinder.py", line 108, in autoSpacingAngle
p2 = self.calclients[movetype].pixelToPixel(tem, cam, ht, mag1, mag2, p1)
TypeError: pixelToPixel() takes exactly 9 arguments (7 given)