Bug #467
closeddbschema upgrade script does not encrypt the default password
In schema-r12857, the default password need to be encrypted or the user will not be able to log in and change the password to what they want. How to do this so that it works the same as the one php sees?
Updated by Anchi Cheng almost 15 years ago
- Status changed from Assigned to In Code Review
- Assignee changed from Neil Voss to Amber Herold
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
r13889 added md5 as the password is inserted.
1. use pre r12857 database
2. go through upgrade process starting from the steps in
3. after running python script schema-r12857, check the database to see if encrypted passwords are generated.
4. enable login in the myamiweb and try to use the default password for an existing user such as administrator.
Updated by Amber Herold almost 15 years ago
- Status changed from In Code Review to In Test
Updated by Amber Herold almost 15 years ago
- Assignee changed from Amber Herold to Eric Hou
Updated by Eric Hou over 14 years ago
- Status changed from In Test to Closed
it works great!
Just need to know the password for each user is same as username if user didn't able the log in before.