



Bug #494


ace2 graph2 x-axis is in pixel which meaning depends on running parameters

Added by Anchi Cheng almost 15 years ago. Updated almost 15 years ago.

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can not used to judge the quality of the data without converting to physical distance

Actions #1

Updated by Anchi Cheng almost 15 years ago

  • % Done changed from 0 to 100

fixed with r13975 and r13976.

Need to know where the ctf nodes are for an ace2 run result to test this.
For example, 10may13b_00012gr_00030sq_v03_00006hl_v01_00028eb.mrc defocus1: -2.37 μm defocus2: -2.19 μm gives first node at ~ 0.04 1/Angstrum.
1. select the image to be tested
2. click on ACE tool on the viewer
3. select graph2 and update. If it is an ACE2 estimate, the graph should have x-axis in 1/Angstrum and the first node at where you expect.

Actions #2

Updated by Anchi Cheng almost 15 years ago

  • Status changed from Assigned to In Code Review
  • Assignee changed from Anchi Cheng to Amber Herold

Any of the graduate student in the grooup would know how to test this.

Actions #3

Updated by Amber Herold almost 15 years ago

  • Status changed from In Code Review to In Test
  • Assignee changed from Amber Herold to Anke Mulder

I'm not very comfortable with this:

        //ace2 image is always 1024 in size so the radial data go out to 512
        $datasize = 512;

It would be better if we could query the image size so the code does not break if ace decides to change things up. If there are already a bunch of dependencies like this in the code then another wont make a difference, but if not, and if there is a way to not do this it would be nice.

I'm putting this into test regardless, we can revisit this after the release.

Actions #4

Updated by Anke Mulder almost 15 years ago

  • Status changed from In Test to Closed

tested and it works.


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