Feature #5204
openImplement bulk inserts
If these people can get ~200k database inserts/second: https://www.percona.com/blog/2011/01/07/high-rate-insertion-with-mysql-and-innodb/
...we should be able to also.
This is what the mysql command would look like:
Other helpful links:
Updated by Carl Negro about 7 years ago
- Subject changed from Implement bulk insert for makestack to Implement bulk inserts
Here is some testing I did with bulk insert queries for uploadRelion3DRefine that look like
LOAD DATA INFILE '/gpfs/appion/cnegro/17jun23d/extract/relion3drefine15/testbulklist3M.txt' INTO TABLE nyap_243.`ApParticleData` FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' IGNORE 1 LINES;
Inserted Rows / Query Time (sec)
97478 / 2.7635
1072268 / 38.3927
3216806 / 132.6572
Then I converted the database engine for apParticleData to Innodb (this only effects the table for the individual processing db, not all of the processing db's):
Inserted Rows / Query Time (sec)
97478 / 10.0635
1072268 / 127.5264
3216806 / 384.3908
This is slower, but it should get faster than MYISAM when we have optimized some settings. InnoDB also has the ability to execute atomic transactions.