Bug #773
openmakestack pixel size check
Makestack is overly cautious about pixel sizes. It gives an error if a preset happens to have more than one pixel size even if no particles are picked on the images with different pixel sizes. My feeling is that it should be up to the user to be aware of such potential problems. I think at most, this should be a warning not an error. This has happened to me several times, and I have to go in and hack the program to get around it.
Updated by Neil Voss over 14 years ago
If you hide or reject all of the unusual pixel sizes, it should not produce the error. But we have found that the user is NOT reliable to make sure the pixel sizes are all the same for their picked particles. I dunno if we want to revert the check or not. It could maybe check to make sure that all images with particles have the same pixel size.
Updated by Scott Stagg over 14 years ago
Hiding or rejecting is not a good solution. What if someone wants to use those images for some other purpose? I would not be opposed to having it check that all images with picks have the same pixel size. Another option is a "force" switch on makestack2.py where it ignores that error.
Updated by Amber Herold over 14 years ago
- Target version set to Appion/Leginon Future Version