Bug #8027
closedFeature request: better support for non-square cameras
Would be great to have better support for non square cameras, like the K3. FFT's often look distorted in the web viewer (see attached). In Leginon, the preview target areas are drawn as squares instead of rectangles, making it more difficult to determine targeting area
Updated by Anchi Cheng over 5 years ago
It also centered the resolution ring wrong.
Updated by Anchi Cheng over 5 years ago
Looks like we took care of DE-20 but that was longer in y than x while K3 is longer in x.
Updated by Anchi Cheng over 5 years ago
- Assignee set to William Rice
I could not reproduce the bug even from my CentOS7 Docker Image. Could you check reduxd.log ? It will be at where you specified on the webserver /etc/myami/reduxd.log
Look for lines like this of what you did fft of.
REQUEST: pipeline=standard&filename=/emg/data/leginon/19sep13z/rawdata/19sep13z_vs.mrc&power=1&maskradius=5.12&shape=512x512&scaletype=stdev&scalemin=-5&scalemax=5&oformat=JPEG&overlaycolor=0.35
power=1 indicates that it is doing a power spectrum. shape should be 512x512 which matches the shape of the window it output to. Your window is shorter than I expect.
If that is correct which I think might be, then maybe there is a difference in how your browser render the frame because it seems that it truncated the overlay image but scaled the redux produced image to fit the window.
Please inspect the html element (show source) from your browser. If you find where it makes the frame, it should something like this (It contains fft=1:
<img alt="empty" name="v1img" src=";5&conly=0&s=512" border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" width="512">
The important part is the last one, The viewer only defines width not height so that it fits the height proportionally.
The last is to check your fftw-devel installation version I have 3.3.3
Updated by William Rice over 5 years ago
- File 19sep13a_BM180_00012gr_00006sq_v01_00002hl_00016esn-a-DW.jpg 19sep13a_BM180_00012gr_00006sq_v01_00002hl_00016esn-a-DW.jpg added
- File 19sep13a_BM180_00012gr_00006sq_v01_00002hl_00016esn-a-DW.pow.jpg 19sep13a_BM180_00012gr_00006sq_v01_00002hl_00016esn-a-DW.pow.jpg added
I am running imchached to cache all images, perhaps that is the issue. Attached are outputs from the cache directory
Updated by Anchi Cheng over 5 years ago
Fix the handling of cached power spectrum. Once the mrc images are deleted, Manual image adjustment of the image contrast, and binning will no longer work, though, since these functions want the original mrc as the starting point. Will let it be for now.
Updated by Anchi Cheng over 5 years ago
- Status changed from New to In Test
Bill, I pushed this to beta and 3.4. You will notice that it does not change the rectangular apearance of the cached power spectrum. Instead, it stretches it back into square. It is a bit more efficient this way. The fake beam stop is, however, stretched after this. See if this is o.k.
Updated by Anchi Cheng over 5 years ago
- Related to Feature #8178: Angled and non-square target area display in Leginon target finder added
Updated by Anchi Cheng about 5 years ago
- Status changed from In Test to Closed
- Target version set to Appion/Leginon 3.5
Tested ok and acceptable.