Test Case #90
openRegister as a user
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Steps for normal use¶
- Browse to http://fly/myamiweb/
- Click on Register
- Fill in fields with valid information. Use your real email address so you can confirm.
- Try to log in prior to confirming your email address. The system should not allow you to login.
- Confirm your email address.
- Log into the system.
- Click on user Profile an confirm information is correct.
Alternate paths¶
- User did not enter a required field (check all fields separately)
- Passwords do not match each other
- Password is too short. Minimum is 3 valid characters
- Password is too long. Maximum is 20 valid characters
- Password contains invalid characters
- Username already exists
- A user with that email already exists (this should be allowed, test that it is)
- Username is too short. Minimum is 3 valid characters
- Username is too long. Maximum is 11 valid characters
- Username contains invalid characters
- Email address format is invalid
- Name contains invalid characters
- Register with diffrent email accounts insure the messages are delivered. Try gmail, yahoo, hotmail etc.
Updated by Amber Herold about 15 years ago
- Project changed from 5 to Appion
- Target version deleted (
Updated by Amber Herold about 15 years ago
- Category set to User Management
- Target version set to Appion Test Suite
Updated by Amber Herold about 15 years ago
- Status changed from Untested to Fail
Notes from Run on Feb 18, 2010
- Registration email: Username should be followed by a semicolon.
- Should profile fields be entered at registration time?
- Add a period after passwords do not match each other
- Password is not limited to a min of 3 chars.
- Password is not limited to a max of 20 chars.
- Adding a single quote to a password gives message "Unknown database failure, please try later."
- Username is not limited to min of 3 chars.
- Username is not limited to a max of 11 chars.
Updated by Amber Herold almost 15 years ago
With todays run, many of the field restrictions have now been implemented, but the username is still allowed to be longer than 11 characters.