Test Case #924
opentest makegoodaverage,php
Be sure to run the version indicated by the Target Version field of this test case.
Please ensure the user guide page for this feature is correct/complete.
If it fails, set the status of this test case to fail. Create a new issue with details of the bug and link the bug to this test case as a related issue.
If it passes, set the status of this test case to pass.
Updated by Arne Moeller over 14 years ago
- Status changed from Untested to Fail
- Assignee changed from Arne Moeller to Amber Herold
I good this error message:
!!! WARNING: EMAN failed with subprocess error code 1
EMAN: proc3d /ami/data00/appion/10sep01b/recon/emanrecon4/eulers/refine4_10oct14o45/threed.
... /threed.mrc mask=100 norm
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/opt/appion/bin/makegoodaverages.py", line 429, in ?
File "/opt/appion/bin/makegoodaverages.py", line 380, in start
apEMAN.make3d(self.params['oddstack'],"odd.mrc", sym=self.params['sym'],mode=self.params['mode'],hard=self.params['hard'])
KeyError: 'oddstack'
Updated by Amber Herold over 14 years ago
- Assignee deleted (
Amber Herold) - Target version changed from Appion/Leginon 2.1.0 to Appion Test Suite