Test Case #94
openModify user profile
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Happy Path¶
- Log into http://fly/myamiweb with a valid username and password.
- Click the user Profile button.
- Confirm the correct username and group name are displayed.
- Modify information with valid entries.
- Check the change password box and enter a new password.
- Press Update.
- Logout
- Log back in using the new password.
- Click on user Profile to confirm new values are present.
Alternate paths¶
- User deletes required fields
- User enters invalid email address (no @ or .)
- Change the email address without checking the box. Logout and try to login with new password. Confirm it is still the old password.
- Try to change the password with invalid passwords. (ex. leave it blank)
Updated by Amber Herold about 15 years ago
- Project changed from 5 to Appion
- Target version deleted (
Updated by Amber Herold about 15 years ago
- Category set to User Management
- Target version set to Appion Test Suite
Updated by Amber Herold about 15 years ago
- Status changed from Untested to Fail
- Group Name should be followed with a colon.
- There does not appear to be error checking for an invalid email address. Bug #128
- Update button should be capitalized.
- Change password to empty string, gives a message that update was successful, but can no longer log in with old password or blank. Bug #129