Test Case #96
openLog in as a user with privelege level 2
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:
Estimated time:
- Login as a user in the Power User group (privillege level 2)
- Notice that you do not have access to the Administration tool
- Select the ProjectDB tool
- Verify that you may view all users
- Verify that you may not add a new user
- Verify that you may not edit a users profile
- Select View Projects
- Verify that you may view all projects
- Select a project that you own
- Confirm that you may edit the project
- Confirm that you may add an owner #155
- Confirm that you may unlink the Processing DB
- Confirm that you may upload images to a new session
- Confirm that you may select and view any session
- Confirm that you may Share an experiment with another user #156
- Select a project that you do NOT own
- Confirm that you may not edit the project
- Confirm that you may not add an owner
- Confirm that you may not unlink the database
- Confirm that you may not upload images to a new session
- Confirm that you may not share an experiment
- Confirm that you may view experiments
- Confirm that you may not process an experiment that you do not own
Updated by Amber Herold almost 15 years ago
- Project changed from 5 to Appion
- Target version deleted (
Updated by Amber Herold almost 15 years ago
- Category set to User Management
- Target version set to Appion Test Suite
Updated by Amber Herold almost 15 years ago
- Status changed from Untested to Pass