


Bug #4037

Updated by Anchi Cheng over 8 years ago

Specific case: 

 K2 Summit/Orius: DM version: 2.31.734.0 

 sq: 927x959 bin 4 560x 
 hl: 927*959 bin 4 4700x 
 fc: 927*959 bin 2  
 ed: 3710x3838 bin 1 39000x 

 the auto-picked coordinates for taking images do not correspond to the acutal position on the grid. I think I told you recently about this problem .. on a quantifoil 2.2 hole the picked and the actual image are about 1 row off. 
 Now, when I look at the sq and the progress of the sq (see screens attached), then one can see that the image of the sq and the sq-v01 are acutally translated to each other. would you expect that this might be the cause of the observation (one row off). 

 All the alignments (matrix) have been redone, etc … so that should be ok. 
 Also, all the presets were image-shift-aligned to each other - again all fine. 
 What is interesting tho is that in the final image shift alignment going from sq to gr, the sq is now also exactly one row off when compared to the step before (hl to sq).    All other presets (ed>hl, hl>sq) always stay on the same spot. 
