


NRAMM releases Leginon and Appion version 3.0

Added by Amber Herold almost 11 years ago

Leginon1 is a system designed for automated collection of images from a transmission electron microscope. Appion2 is integrated with Leginon as a "pipeline" for processing and analysis of EM images. The 3.0 release of these packages includes major changes in two areas. First, many aspects of the software have been updated to run on newer operating systems. The officaial target operating system is now CentOS 6. Second, Leginon and Appion have expanded support for the newest generation of cameras. In addition to the previously supported Direct Electron DE12, Leginon now supports data acquisition using the Gatan K2 Summit and FEI Falcon direct detectors. Movies acquired by the K2 or DE direct electron detectors are passed to Appion, which handles frame alignments; the user can select which frames are used in the rest of the Appion pipeline.

More information regarding new features are available at the Leginon Change Log and the Appion Change Log.

Leginon and Appion are open source software packages released under the Apache License, Version 2.0, and are available for download at: and Instructions are also available for upgrading existing installations of Leginon and Appion to the current 3.0 release.

If you download Leginon and/or Appion we strongly encourage you to register as a Leginon/Appion user at: This will allow us to keep you informed of new releases, bug fixes, and other useful information, and also allow us to keep track of the user base which is important to ensure future support of the software.

Questions or comments? Contact us at .


