2010 Appion Developer Workshop » History » Revision 16
Revision 15 (Neil Voss, 06/10/2010 09:56 AM) → Revision 16/18 (Neil Voss, 06/10/2010 05:57 PM)
h1. 2010 Appion Developer Workshop h2. Setting up a development enviroment h4. Subversion <pre> svn checkout http://emg.nysbc.org/svn/myami/trunk/ myami/ </pre> h4. Sinedon.cfg At AMI, you do not normally need a sinedon.cfg file, but if you have your own testing environment you will need one. h4. Web page At AMI, put myamiweb into your ami_html directory and it will be available on both cronus3 and fly as http://cronus3.scripps.edu/~username/myamiweb/ You will need to run Eric's web setup wizard to get it working: http://cronus3.scripps.edu/~username/myamiweb/setup/ Your PYTHONPATH should contain both the myami folder and the myami/appion folder. ______ h2. Add a new option to a program [[2010 ADW/Add a new option to a program]] ______ h2. Organization of the Python programs [[2010 ADW/Organization of the Python programs]] ______ h2. Organization of the PHP programs [[2010 ADW/Organization of the PHP programs]] ______ h2. Create an alignment a program from scratch [[2010 ADW/Create a program from scratch]] ______ h2. Create an image uploader program a program, database structure, and report pages from scratch (if time) [[2010 ADW/Create an image uploader program from scratch]] * 3D MSA?