


Appion Home » History » Version 101

Anchi Cheng, 04/12/2024 04:37 PM

1 52 Neil Voss
h1. Appion Main Page
2 11 Amber Herold
3 56 Neil Voss
4 52 Neil Voss
h2. Overview
5 1 Eric Hou
7 95 Sargis Dallakyan
Appion  is a "pipeline" for processing and analysis of EM images.  Appion is integrated with "Leginon": data acquisition but can also be used stand-alone after uploading images (either digital or scanned micrographs) or particle stacks using a set of provided tools. Appion consists of a web based user interface linked to a set of python scripts that control several underlying integrated processing packages. All data input and output within Appion is managed using tightly integrated SQL databases. The goal is to have all control of the processing pipeline managed from a web based user interface and all output from the processing presented using web based viewing tools.  
8 83 Bridget Carragher
9 97 Sargis Dallakyan
The underlying packages integrated into Appion include "MotionCor2":, "Gctf":, "EMAN":, "Spider":, "Frealign":, "Imagic":, "XMIPP":, "IMOD":, "ProTomo":, "ACE":, "CTFFind and CTFTilt":, "findEM":, "DogPicker":, "TiltPicker":, "RMeasure":, "EM-BFACTOR":, and "Chimera":  These packages must be acknowledged by appropriate citations when used within Appion. Appropriate citations are provided on the individual pages in Appion as well as "here":  
10 83 Bridget Carragher
11 101 Anchi Cheng
h2. Current Release: [[Version_Change_Log|3.6]]
12 99 Anchi Cheng
13 1 Eric Hou
h2. Download Appion
14 101 Anchi Cheng
h1. leginon/appion issue tracking and repository are moved to
Report bugs and request features at at that site.
18 82 Amber Herold
Follow the Appion [[Complete_Installation|installation instructions]] to download and install Appion.  
If you download Appion we strongly encourage you "register as an Appion user":
This will allow us to keep you informed of new releases, bug fixes, and other useful information, and also allow us to keep track of the user base which is important to ensure future support of the software.
25 85 Amber Herold
h2. Appion User Manual
26 70 Amber Herold
27 75 Amber Herold
The *[[Appion_Manual|Appion Manual]]* includes:
28 77 Amber Herold
* a [[An_Introduction_to_Appion|description of Appion]], 
29 78 Amber Herold
* [[Version_Change_Log|version change logs]], 
30 79 Amber Herold
* [[Upgrade_Instructions|upgrade instructions]], 
31 80 Amber Herold
* [[Complete_Installation|installation instructions]] and  
32 81 Amber Herold
* [[Appion_User_Guide|daily usage instructions]]
33 64 Amber Herold
34 91 Amber Herold
h2. Appion Developer's Guide
35 1 Eric Hou
36 91 Amber Herold
The [[developers guide]] is the primary resource for getting started with code development.
Appion is an open source project. You are free to contribute to it.
38 90 Amber Herold
39 85 Amber Herold
h2. Publications
40 1 Eric Hou
41 86 Bridget Carragher
h3. Primary Publications:
42 1 Eric Hou
43 52 Neil Voss
* Lander, G.C.; Stagg, S.M., Voss, N.R., Cheng, A., Fellmann, D., Pulokas, J., Yoshioka, C., Irving, C., Mulder, A., Lau, P.W., _et al._ (2009). "Appion: an integrated, database-driven pipeline to facilitate EM image processing.". Journal of Structural Biology 166: 95-102. "PMID 19263523": 
44 1 Eric Hou
* Voss, N.R.; Lyumkis D, Cheng A, Lau PW, Mulder A, Lander GC, _et al._ (2010). "A toolbox for ab initio 3-D reconstructions in single-particle electron microscopy.". Journal of Structural Biology 169 (3): 389-98. "PMID 20018246":
* Stagg, S.M.; Lander GC, Quispe J, Voss NR, Cheng A, Bradlow H, Bradlow S, Carragher B, Potter CS (2008). "A test-bed for optimizing high-resolution single particle reconstructions". Journal of Structural Biology 163 (1): 29-39. "PMID 18534866":
49 87 Bridget Carragher
h3. Other Citations:
* Appropriate citations for integrated packages are provided on the individual pages in Appion as well as "here":
52 57 Neil Voss
53 53 Neil Voss
h2. Software Availability and Licensing Information
54 52 Neil Voss
55 53 Neil Voss
Appion is released under the "Apache License, Version 2.0":
56 52 Neil Voss
58 85 Amber Herold
h2. Youtube videos
59 52 Neil Voss
* "An Introduction to Appion":
* "TiltPicker Demonstration":
62 1 Eric Hou
h2. Citations
View the entire collection of [[Appion citations]].