


Appion and Leginon Database Tools » History » Revision 28

Revision 27 (Amber Herold, 07/29/2010 01:40 PM) → Revision 28/31 (Amber Herold, 07/29/2010 01:41 PM)

h1. Appion and Leginon Database Tools 

 * The Appion and Leginon Database tools are availalbe at *http://YOUR_SERVER/myamiweb*. 
 * *myamiweb* is short for _My Automated Molecular Imaging Web_ interface and is pronounced like Miami, the city in Florida.  
 * *myamiweb* is a common portal providing tools to access and modify data stored in the Leginon and Appion databases. 

 # *[[Administration]]* 
 ## [[Groups]] 
 ## [[Users]] 
 ## [[Instruments]] 
 ## [[Applications]] 
 ## [[Goniometer]] 
 # *[[User Management]]* 
 ## [[Enable User Authentication]] 
 ## [[New User Registration]] 
 ## [[Retrieve Forgotten Password]] 
 ## [[Modify Your Profile]] 
 ## [[Logout]] 
 # *[[Project DB|Project Management]]* 
 ## [[View Projects]] 
 ## [[Create New Project]] 
 ## [[Edit Project Description]] 
 ## [[Edit Project Owners]] 
 ## [[Create a Project Processing Database]] 
 ## [[Unlink a Project Processing Database]] 
 ## [[Upload Images to a new Project Session]] 
 ## [[Share a Project Session with another User]] 
 ## [[View a Summary of a Project Session]] 
 ## [[Grid Management]] 
 # *[[Image Viewers]]* 
 ## [[Common_Features|Image Viewer Overview]] 
 ## [[Image Viewer]] 
 ## [[2 Way Viewer]] 
 ## [[3 Way Viewer]] 
 ## [[Dual Viewer]] 
 ## [[RCT]] 
 # *[[LOI - Leginon Observer Interface]]* 
 # *[[Tomography Tool]]* 
 # *[[Hole Template Viewer]]* 


 [[Appion Processing|Appion Processing >]] 
