Appion citations » History » Revision 2
Revision 1 (Amber Herold, 10/12/2010 01:51 PM) → Revision 2/29 (Amber Herold, 11/10/2010 11:04 AM)
h1. Appion citations Appion includes software from the following packages: $title, $year, $authorlist, $journal, $volume=false, $issue=false, $pmid=false, $pmcid=false, $doi=false, $logo=false h3. EMAN EMAN: "EMAN: semiautomated software for high-resolution single-particle reconstructions.", 1999, "Ludtke SJ, Baldwin PR, Chiu W.", "J Struct Biol.", 128, 1, 10600563, false, false, "img/eman_logo.png"); h3. SPIDER SPIDER and WEB: processing and visualization of images in 3D electron microscopy and related fields.", 1996, "Frank J, Radermacher M, Penczek P, Zhu J, Li Y, Ladjadj M, Leith A.", "J Struct Biol.", 116, 1, 8742743, false, false, "img/spider_logo.png"); h3. IMAGIC "A New Generation of the IMAGIC Image Processing System.", 1996, "van Heel M., Harauz G., Orlova E. V., Schmidt R. & Schatz M", "J Struct Biol", 116, 1, 8742718, false, false, "img/imagic_logo.png"); h3. Appion "Appion: an integrated, database-driven pipeline to facilitate EM image processing.", 2009, "Lander GC, Stagg SM, Voss NR, <i>et al.</i>", "J Struct Biol.", 166, 1, 19263523, 2775544, "10.1016/j.jsb.2009.01.002", "img/topbarbackgrnd.jpg"); h3. Frealign FREALIGN: high-resolution refinement of single particle structures.", 2007, "Grigorieff, N.", "J Struct Biol.", 157, 1, 16828314, false, "10.1016/j.jsb.2006.05.004", "img/grigorieff_lab.png"); h3. Initial Model A toolbox for ab initio 3-D reconstructions in single-particle electron microscopy.", 2010, "Voss NR, Lyumkis D, Cheng A, <i>et al.</i>", "J Struct Biol.", 169, 3, 20018246, false, false, "img/topbarbackgrnd.jpg");