Authors » History » Revision 13
Revision 12 (Amber Herold, 07/27/2010 02:46 PM) → Revision 13/30 (Amber Herold, 07/27/2010 02:47 PM)
h1. Authors Jonathan Brownell, Bridget Carragher, Anchi Cheng, Denis Fellmann, Christopher Irving, Gabe Lander, Pick-wei Lau, Dmitry Lyumkis, Anke Mulder, Sunita Nayak, Clint S. Potter, Jim Pulokas, Joel Quispe, Scott Stagg, Neil R. Voss, Craig Yoshioka, Arne Moeller, Eric Hou, Amber Herold We thank the many contributors to the following packages who have made the Appion Image Processing Pipeline possible. email: ** for any help you need. h3. Contributions from the EM community Appion exists to provide an integrated interface to the following Image Processing software packages: * "EMAN": * "SPIDER": * "Xmipp": * "Chimera": * "Grigorieff lab software": * FindEM * Ace2 * "Imod": * "Protomo": We thank the many contributors to these packages who have made the Appion Image Processing Pipeline possible. h3. Other contributors Software packages instrumental to the development of Appion include: * "Python": * Subversion * ImageMagick * MySQL * "PHP" * "phpMyAdmin": * Redmine * Eclipse * "NumPy": * "SciPy": * "Apache" ______ [[System Requirements|< System Requirements]] | [[Version_Change_Log|Version Change Log >]] ______