Authors » History » Revision 28
Revision 27 (Amber Herold, 04/20/2012 11:11 AM) → Revision 28/30 (Anchi Cheng, 10/27/2016 06:19 PM)
h1. Credits h2. Authors +Current Team+ Bridget Carragher, Anchi Cheng, Amber Herold, Gabe Lander, Dmitry Lyumkis, Arne Moeller, Clint S. Potter, Jim Pulokas, Joel Quispe, Scott Stagg, Neil R. Voss, Craig Yoshioka, Lauren Fisher +Alumni+ Jonathan Brownell, Amber Herold, Satya Mallica, Arne Moeller, Sunita Nayak, Denis Fellmann, Jim Pulokas, Eric Hou, Christopher Irving, Pick-wei Lau, Anke Mulder, Craig Yoshioka, Lauren Fisher, Joel Quispe, Mulder h2. Software packages +From the EM community+ Appion exists to provide an integrated interface to the following Image Processing software packages: * "Chimera": * "EMAN": * "Grigorieff lab software": * "IMAGIC": * "Imod": * "Protomo": * "SPIDER": * "Xmipp": +Appion also depends on several community supported Open Source packages, including:+ * "ImageMagick": * "MySQL": * "NumPy": * "PHP": * "Python": * "SciPy": h2. Funding Appion is supported by funding from the National Institutes of Health National Center for Research Resources’ P41 program: * National Resource for Automated Molecular Microscopy (P41 RR17573) * Automated cryoEM: Integrating tilted data collection and analysis (RO1 RR023093) * Appion dissemination project (3P41RR017573-08S1) ______ [[System Requirements|< System Requirements]] | [[Version_Change_Log|Version Change Log >]] ______