


Common Features » History » Revision 8

Revision 7 (Amber Herold, 07/26/2010 02:28 PM) → Revision 8/36 (Amber Herold, 07/26/2010 02:29 PM)

h1. Image Viewer Overview 

 h2. Chose the right viewer for the job 

 *Image The following Image Viewer applications are available in Appion and Leginon web tools* tools: 
 |_.Viewer Name|_.Viewer Features| 
 |[[Image Viewer]] | provides a single image pane| 
 |[[2 Way Viewer]] | provides 2 image panes for viewing the same mrc file in different ways side by side| 
 |[[3 Way Viewer]] | provides 3 image panes for viewing the same mrc file in different ways | 
 |[[Dual Viewer]] | provides 2 image panes for viewing separate mrc images side by side| 

 h2. Features available from all viewers 

 h3. From the header buttons 

 # View an aggregate summary of all the images in a session 
 # Launch the Appion Image processing application 
 # Launch a tool to create jpegs of all or many of the images in a session 

 h3. From the Image Tools panel 
 # View the mrc images associated with Projects and Sessions 
 # Adjust image properties 
 # Mark images as _hidden_ or _exemplar_  
 # View a sideshow of the images in a session 
 # Download individual images in mrc, tiff or jpeg format 
 # View a detailed image report including mrc header information and calibrations 
 # View the Fourier Transform of the image 
 # View ACE graphs 
 # View Particle Picks  
 # View Leginon MSI focus and acquisition targets 
 # Overlay a scale ruler 

 h2. Anatomy of an Image Viewer  

 * Project Drop Down List 

  Projects that you own or have been shared will appear in the list. Select one to view. 

 * Session Drop Down List 
  Sessions that belong to the currently selected Project will appear in the list. Select one to view. 

 * Image List 

  The images belonging to the currently selected Session will appear in the Image List. The selected image will appear in the Image View. The total number of images is displayed at the top of the list. 

 * Image View 

  The selected image will be displayed in the Image View. The Image View may be configured using the Image Tools controls located directly above the Image View. 

 * Image Tools 

  Includes many basic image manipulation features such as filtering and Fourier Transform. Read the [[Image Tools]] manual page for more information.  



 [[Image Tools|Image Tools >]] 
