Database Server Installation » History » Revision 2
Revision 1 (Amber Herold, 03/15/2010 03:59 PM) → Revision 2/32 (Amber Herold, 03/15/2010 04:11 PM)
h1. Setup MySQL database
Refer to [[Start_with_existing_ANY_Linux_flavor_OS#2-Setup-MySQL-databases|Setup MySQL databases]]
Note: the above link includes unnessary steps....
Start Here:
h2. Configure MySQL
Edit the configuration file:
$ sudo nano /etc/my.cnf
Add or edit the following lines:
query_cache_type = 1
query_cache_size = 100M
query_cache_limit= 100M
Restart MySQL
$ sudo /sbin/service mysqld restart
h2. Configure phpMyAdmin
Edit the phpMyAdmin config file:
$ sudo nano /etc/phpMyAdmin/
and change the following lines:
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['AllowRoot'] = FALSE;
Edit the phpMyAdmin apache config file:
$ sudo nano /etc/httpd/conf.d/phpMyAdmin.conf
and change the following lines:
<Directory /usr/share/phpMyAdmin/>
order deny,allow
deny from all
allow from
allow from YOUR_IP_ADDRESS