


Database Server Installation Shared » History » Revision 29

Revision 28 (Neil Voss, 05/12/2010 08:58 AM) → Revision 29/82 (Neil Voss, 05/12/2010 08:59 AM)

h1. Database Server Installation 

 h2. Install MySQL  

 The following is for the computer that hosts the databases. This involves installing MySQL server and creation/configuration of the leginondb and projectdb databases. 

 *Note:* You may already have MySQL Server and Client installed. Check by typing mysql at the command line.  
 If you see a MySQL prompt (mysql>), skip to step 2 
 h3. Install MySQL-Server and MySQL-Client 

 To install Mysql on Linux you have two options (the first option is better): 

 # Use your package installer (yum, zypper, YaST, apt-get). For example: 
 <pre>sudo yum install mysql mysql-server</pre> 
 # Download the latest MySQL-server package for Linux from 

 h3. Example MySQL configuration files are usually located in /usr/share/mysql. 

 ls /usr/share/mysql/my* 
 If that does not work try the locate function 
 locate my | egrep "\.cnf$" 

 h3. Configure my.cnf in /etc using my-huge.cnf as the template 

 # Copy my-huge.cnf to my.cnf 
 <pre>sudo cp -v /usr/share/mysql/my-huge.cnf /etc/my.cnf</pre> 
 # Edit /etc/my.cnf to add or change query cache variables like these (be sure to place them under the @[mysqld]@ section): 
 query_cache_type= 1 
 query_cache_size = 100M 
 query_cache_limit= 100M 
 # Search for the text default-storage-engine in /etc/my.cnf.    If it exists and is set to other than MyISAM, you should change it to: 

 h3. Start the MySQL Server 

 For CentOS/Fedora/RHEL system use the service command: 

 sudo /sbin/service mysqld start 

 For other Unix systems: 

 sudo /etc/init.d/mysqld start 

 or on some installations, 

 sudo /etc/init.d/mysql start 

 For future reference: start | stop | restart MySQL Server with similar commands: 

 sudo /etc/init.d/mysqld start 
 sudo /etc/init.d/mysqld stop 
 sudo /etc/init.d/mysqld restart 
 sudo /sbin/service mysqld start 
 sudo /sbin/service mysqld stop 
 sudo /sbin/service mysqld restart 

 If you want to start MySQL automatically at boot 

 sudo /sbin/chkconfig mysql on 
 or for SuSe: 
 sudo /sbin/chkconfig mysql on 

 h3. 6. For future reference, the database location will be: 

 ls /var/lib/mysql 
     ibdata1    ib_logfile0    ib_logfile1    mysql    mysql.sock    test 

 h3. 7. Create the Leginon database, call it leginondb 

 sudo mysqladmin create leginondb 

 h3. 8. Create the Project database, call it projectdb 

 sudo mysqladmin create projectdb 

 h3. 9. Connect to mysql db 

 If starting from scratch the mysql root user will have no password. This is assumed to be the case and we will set it later. 

 mysql -u root mysql 

 mysql> select user, password, host from user; 
       | user | password | host        | 
       | root |            | localhost | 
       | root |            | host1       | 
       |        |            | host1       | 
       |        |            | localhost | 
       4 rows in set (0.00 sec) 

 h3. 10. Create user 

 Create and grant privileges to a user called usr_object for the databases on both the localhost and other hosts involved. For example, use wild card '%' for all hosts. You can set specific (@ALTER, CREATE, DROP, DELETE, INSERT, RENAME, SELECT, UPDATE@) (@create, select, insert, update, alter, drop, delete, show, describe, rename@) privileges or @ALL@ privileges to the user. See MySQL Reference Manual for details. 

 mysql> CREATE USER usr_object@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'PASSWORD'; 
 mysql> GRANT ALTER, CREATE, INSERT, SELECT, UPDATE ON leginondb.* TO usr_object@'localhost'; 
 mysql> GRANT ALTER, CREATE, INSERT, SELECT, UPDATE ON projectdb.* TO usr_object@'localhost'; 

 less secure version (no password and all privileges), we recommend not allowing the DROP and DELETE privileges. 

 mysql> CREATE USER usr_object@'localhost'; 
 mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON leginondb.* TO usr_object@'localhost'; 
 mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON projectdb.* TO usr_object@'localhost'; 

 Similarly, you can assign a domain 

 mysql> CREATE USER usr_object@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'PASSWORD'; 
 mysql> GRANT ALTER, CREATE, INSERT, SELECT, UPDATE ON leginondb.* to usr_object@<>; 
 mysql> GRANT ALTER, CREATE, INSERT, SELECT, UPDATE ON projectdb.* to usr_object@<>; 

 Next, give create and access privileges for the processing databases which begin with "ap". 

 # if your web host is local 
 mysql> GRANT ALTER, CREATE, INSERT, SELECT, UPDATE ON `ap%`.* to usr_object@localhost;  
 # for all other hosts if you are accessing the databases from another computer 
 mysql> GRANT ALTER, CREATE, INSERT, SELECT, UPDATE ON `ap%`.* to usr_object@<>;        

 h3. 11. Change Root password 

 To set the root password use the command:  

 sudo mysqladmin -u root password NEWPASSWORD 

 Or you can do it from within mysql 
 mysql> update user set password=password('your_own_root_password') where user="root"; 
 Query OK, 2 rows affected (0.01 sec) 
 Rows matched: 2    Changed: 2    Warnings: 0 

 mysql> flush privileges; 
 mysql>^D or exit; 

 From now on, you will need to specify the password to connect to the database as root user like this: 

       >mysql -u root -p mysql 

 h3. 12. Check MySQL variables 

       >mysql -u usr_object leginondb 

       mysql> SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'query%'; 
       | Variable_name                  | Value       | 
       | ft_query_expansion_limit       | 20          | 
       | have_query_cache               | YES         | 
       | long_query_time                | 10          | 
       | query_alloc_block_size         | 8192        | 
       | query_cache_limit              | 104857600 | <<---This should correspond to your change 
       | query_cache_min_res_unit       | 4096        | 
       | query_cache_size               | 104857600 | <<---This should correspond to your change 
       | query_cache_type               | ON          | <<---This should correspond to your change 
       | query_cache_wlock_invalidate | OFF         | 
       | query_prealloc_size            | 8192        | 
       10 rows in set (0.00 sec) 

       mysql> exit; 

 h3. 13. Make sure MySQL is running 

       prompt:~> mysqlshow 
       | Databases      | 
       | mysql          | 
       | leginondb      | 
       | projectdb      | 

 h3. 14. Or check with the following php script (if already installed) 

       mysql_connect('', 'usr_object', '','leginondb'); 
       echo mysql_stat(); 


        Uptime: 1452562 Threads: 1 Questions: 618 Slow queries: 0 Opens: 117 Flush tables: 1 Open tables: 106 Queries per second avg: 0.000 

 h2. Configure phpMyAdmin  

 Edit the phpMyAdmin config file: 

 $ sudo vi /etc/phpMyAdmin/ 

 and change the following lines: 

 $cfg['Servers'][$i]['AllowRoot']       = FALSE; 

 Edit the phpMyAdmin apache config file: 

 $ sudo $EDITOR /etc/httpd/conf.d/phpMyAdmin.conf 

 and change the following lines: 

 *Note:* If you want to access phpMyAdmin from another computer, you can add it to its web access configuration file found as /etc/httpd/conf.d/phpMyAdmin.conf in a typical installation 

 <Directory /usr/share/phpMyAdmin/> 
    order deny,allow 
    deny from all 
    allow from 
    allow from YOUR_IP_ADDRESS 

 To test the PHPMyAdmin configuration, point your browser to http://YOUR_IP_ADDRESS/phpmyadmin.