


Install the Web Interface » History » Revision 11

Revision 10 (Anchi Cheng, 05/11/2010 04:00 PM) → Revision 11/56 (Neil Voss, 05/12/2010 03:39 PM)

h1. Install the Web Interface 

 Install Leginon and Appion web tools for viewing images and performing image processing through the web server. 
 If you are installing your web server on a different machine than your processing server,  
 you need to download the myami code. 
 *TODO:* add a link to the myami code  

 h2. 1. Move the myami/myamiweb directory to your Apache web directory 

 > cd [webdirectory]     // /var/www/html in this example 
 > cp -vr myami/myamiweb /var/www/html/ #CentOS [path_to_myami_download_location]/myami/myamiweb . 

 h2. 2. Configure your installation  

 There is a setup wizard available to help you set the configuration parameters for your installation. If you prefer not to use the wizard, there are instructions for manually editing the configuration file. If this is your first time creating the web tool configuration file, we recommend using the setup wizard. 

 h3. Configuration using the setup wizard 

 Run the online setup wizard by visiting http://yourhost/myamiweb/setup to create the myami website’s config file.  
 The setup wizard will also check your database connection, create required database tables, and perform default data initialization. 

 h3. Manual configuration instructions (Advanced User) 

 *Note:* You may skip this section if you configured your installation with the setup wizard. 

 Copy config.php.template to config.php and edit the latter by adding these parameters: 
 "config.php" should be located in /var/www/html/myamiweb/ on CentOS and /srv/www/htdocs/myamiweb/ on SuSE. 

 * define site base path 
 * This should be changed if the myamiweb directory is located 
 * in a sub-directory of the Apache web directory. 
 * ex. myamiweb is in /var/www/html/applications/myamiweb/ then 
 * change to    define('BASE_PATH',"applications/myamiweb"); 


 * myamiweb login system 

 // Browse to the administration tools in myamiweb prior to  
 // changing this to true to populate DB tables correctly. 
 define('ENABLE_LOGIN', false); 	

 * Administrator email title and email address 

 define('EMAIL_TITLE', 'The name of your institute'); 
 define('ADMIN_EMAIL', ""); 

 * SMTP Server setup (not required but recommended): 

 define('ENABLE_SMTP', false); 
 define('SMTP_HOST', ''); 	 //your smtp host 

 * When SMTP server requires authentication 

 // --- Check this with your email administrator -- // 
 // --- Set it to true if your SMTP server requires authentication -- // 
 define('SMTP_AUTH', false); 

 // --- If SMTP_AUTH is not required(SMTP_AUTH set to false, -- // 
 // --- no need to fill in 'SMTP_USERNAME' & SMTP_PASSWORD -- // 
 define('SMTP_USERNAME', ""); 
 define('SMTP_PASSWORD', ""); 

 * Setup your MySQL database server parameters: 

 define('DB_HOST', ""); 		 // DB Host name 
 define('DB_USER', ""); 		 // DB User name 
 define('DB_PASS', ""); 		 // DB Password 
 define('DB_LEGINON', ""); 	 // Leginon database name 
 define('DB_PROJECT', ""); 	 // Project database name 

 For Appion Installation, also setup these in config.php: 
 * Enable the processing plug-in by uncommenting out the following line in the file`myamiweb/config.php` 


 * Add processing host information 

 // --- Please enter your processing host information associate with -- // 
 // --- Maximum number of the processing nodes 									 -- // 
 // --- $PROCESSING_HOSTS[] = array('host' => '', 'nproc' => 4); -- // 
 // --- $PROCESSING_HOSTS[] = array('host' => '', 'nproc' => 8); -- // 

 // $PROCESSING_HOSTS[] = array('host' => '', 'nproc' => ); 

 * Microscope spherical aberration constant 

 $DEFAULTCS = "2.0"; 

 * IMAGIC and Other features: 
 // Check if IMAGIC is installed and running, otherwise hide all functions 
 define('HIDE_IMAGIC', false); 

 // hide processing tools still under development. 
 define('HIDE_FEATURE', true); 

 We will not include the cluster registration now. It is covered in the last part of this document. 

 h2. 3. Test the installation 

 Visit http://yourhost/myamiweb to confirm functionality. 


 [[Install the MRC PHP Extension|< Install the MRC PHP Extension]] | [[Potential Problems|Potential Problems >]] 
