Instructions for installing Fedora on your computer » History » Version 1
Neil Voss, 05/25/2010 09:08 AM
1 | 1 | Neil Voss | h1. Instructions for installing Fedora on your computer |
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4 | h2. Why Fedora? |
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7 | If you have a new computer(s) for your Leginon/Appion installation, we recommend installing CentOS because it is considered to be more stable than other varieties of Linux. |
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9 | CentOS is the same as Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL), except that it is free and supported by the community. |
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11 | The reason I mention CentOS is because I wanted to keep the guide really simple. Another student and I run appion on Fedora 10 and we've run appion on SuSe in the past. I know we gotten most bits working on MacOSX, but some of the python libraries contain ancient Fortran code that does not compile easily on a Mac. But CentOS is certainly not a requirement in general, it is just that the first iteration of the guide is written for CentOS. |
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13 | We provide the following instructions for CentOS Installation: |
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15 | h2. Download the ISO disk of CentOS 5.4 |
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17 | # ISO files are available at |
18 | ## |
19 | # Click on i386 for 32bit machines or x86_64 for 64bit machines |
20 | # Pick a mirror and download 'CentOS-5.4-x86_64-bin-DVD.iso' file |
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22 | h2. Confirm download went correctly |
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24 | perform a SHA1SUM confirmation: |
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26 | <pre> |
27 | sha1sum CentOS-5.4-x86_64-bin-DVD.iso |
28 | </pre> |
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30 | The result should be the same as in the sha1sum file provided by CentOS: |
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32 | * for 64bit |
33 | * for 32bit |
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37 | h2. Burn ISO file to DVD disk |
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39 | Use dvdrecord in Linux to burn disk |
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41 | <pre> |
42 | dvdrecord -v -dao gracetime=10 dev=/dev/dvd speed=16 CentOS-5.4-x86_64-bin-DVD.iso |
43 | </pre> |
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45 | h2. Install CentOS 5.4 with default packages |
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47 | * Setup network, root, password as desired |
48 | * This install will assume that only *"Desktop - GNOME"* to be selected |
49 | * More information available at [ CentOS Documentation] |
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51 | h2. Add yourself to the sudoers file |
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53 | Make sure you have root permission. |
54 | Open the file in an editor. ex. vi /etc/sudoers |
55 | Look for the line: root ALL=(ALL) ALL. |
56 | Add this line below the root version: |
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58 | <pre> |
59 | $ username ALL=(ALL) ALL |
60 | </pre> |
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62 | Logout and log back in with your username. |
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64 | The CentOS installation is complete. |
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70 | [[Download additional Software|Download additional Software >]] |
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