Object Oriented Programming » History » Revision 15
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h1. Object Oriented Programming h2. Objects * An _object_ often models a real-world thing - person, animal, shape, car * Collection of _attributes_ and _behaviors_ * Defined as a _class_ with _member variables_ and _methods_ * An _instance_ of a class is an occurance of an object that has been created using the class _constructor_ * A class _constructor_ method is called automatically when a new instance of a class is created. * A _destructor_ method is called automatically when an instance of a class is destroyed. h2. Encapsulation * Bundle data (attributes) with the methods that operate on the data * Restrict access to the data using _access modifiers_ like private and protected * Best Practices ** Keep member variables private ** Provide accessor functions to attributes when needed ** Public methods provide an interface to the rest of the world, everthing else should be private * Benefit: reduce complexity, increases robustness, by limiting the interdependencies between components. h2. Inheritance * Reuse code by basing an object on another object * Terminology ** Superclass, base class, parent class ** Subclass, derived class, child class * Examples ** parent: Animal, children: Person, Cat, Fish ** parent: MotorVehicle, children: Car, Truck, Bus, Tractor ** parent: Shape, children: Ellipse, Rectangle, Triangle, Cone * _Child classes_ inherit attributes and behaviors from _parent classes_ * Child classes may _override_ behaviors inherited from parent classes by providing it's own implementation of a method. * An _abstract method_ in a parent class does not have an implementation. Child classes MUST provide an implementation to be instantiated. * An _abstract class_ has at least one abstract method and cannot be instantiated. * A _virtual method_ in a parent class provides a default implementation that MAY be overriden by the child classes. h2. Polymorhism * Objects of different types (or classes) can be defined with the same interface and respond to method calls with the appropriate type-specific behavior. * The exact type of the object is determined at run-time, so the program does not need to determine type in advance. * Examples ** Draw every shape in a collection of shapes. The collection has Rectangles and Triangles, both based on the Shape class, which has an abstract method called Draw(). ** Make a collection of different animals talk. Code example shown below. h2. h3. PHP example <pre> interface IAnimal { function getName(); function talk(); } abstract class AnimalBase implements IAnimal { protected $name; public function __construct($name) { $this->name = $name; } public function getName() { return $this->name; } } class Cat extends AnimalBase { public function talk() { return 'Meowww!'; } } class Dog extends AnimalBase { public function talk() { return 'Woof! Woof!'; } } $animals = array( new Cat('Missy'), new Cat('Mr. Mistoffelees'), new Dog('Lassie') ); foreach ($animals as $animal) { echo $animal->getName() . ': ' . $animal->talk(); } </pre> h2. h3. Python Example <pre> class Animal: def __init__(self, name): # Constructor of the class self.name = name def talk(self): # Abstract method, defined by convention only raise NotImplementedError("Subclass must implement abstract method") class Cat(Animal): def talk(self): return 'Meow!' class Dog(Animal): def talk(self): return 'Woof! Woof!' animals = [Cat('Missy'), Cat('Mr. Mistoffelees'), Dog('Lassie')] for animal in animals: print animal.name + ': ' + animal.talk() # prints the following: # # Missy: Meow! # Mr. Mistoffelees: Meow! # Lassie: Woof! Woof! </pre>