Python Coding Standards » History » Revision 5
Revision 4 (Neil Voss, 03/19/2010 02:22 PM) → Revision 5/7 (Neil Voss, 03/19/2010 02:23 PM)
h1. Python Coding Standards This document is a list of python coding standards. To add a new standard copy the template below and modify it. see also ---- h2. +Name of Coding Standard+ h3. Definition What is the coding standard h3. Justification Why is the coding standard important h3. Example GOOD:<pre> this is a good example code </pre> BAD:<pre> this is a bad example code </pre> ---- h1. Python Coding Standards for AMI ---- h2. +Use tabs instead of spaces+ h3. Definition Use tabs instead of spaces for inline code h3. Justification It is important to be consistent. People like different sizes of columns, some like 8 spaces, others 4, 3, or 2. With tabs each individual can customize their viewer. h3. Example GOOD:<pre> if True: <tab>while True: <tab><tab>print "tab" <tab>break </pre> BAD:<pre> if True: while True: print "tab" break </pre> ---- h2. +Checking beginning or ending of strings+ h3. Definition Use ''.startswith() and ''.endswith() instead of string slicing to check for prefixes or suffixes. h3. Justification startswith() and endswith() are cleaner and less error prone. h3. Example GOOD:<pre> if foo.startswith('bar'): </pre> BAD:<pre> if foo[:3] == 'bar': </pre> ---- h2. +Never use @from module import *@+ h3. Definition Never use @from module import *@, use @import module@ instead h3. Justification It is hard to track where functions come from when @import *@ is used h3. Example GOOD:<pre> import numpy a = numpy.ones((3,3)) </pre> BAD:<pre> from numpy import * a = ones((3,3)) </pre> ---- h2. +Appion image data naming conventions+ h3. Definition # never use 'image' or 'img' # use 'imgdict' for image dictionaries # use 'imgarray' for image numarrays # use 'imgname' for image filenames # use 'imgtree' for the main list of image dictionaries # use 'imglist' for a list of image data h3. Justification If you are consistent with your names people can read your code. h3. Example GOOD:<pre> for imgdict in imgtree: imgarray = imgdict['image'] imgname = imgdict['filename'] </pre> BAD:<pre> for image in imgs: array = image['image'] name = image['filename'] </pre> ---- h2. +Use descriptive variables+ h3. Definition Use descriptive variables, @asdf@ is not a variable. h3. Justification No one understands shorthand variables. h3. Example GOOD:<pre> imgarray ='leginon_image.mrc') particle1 = imgarray[47, 21] particle1 = imgarray[10, 15] stack class = [particle1, particle2] particle1] </pre> BAD:<pre> i ='x.mrc') prtl1 = i[47, 21] prtl2 = i[10, 15] s cls = [prtl1, prtl2] </pre>