Reconfigure the database » History » Revision 13
Revision 12 (Amber Herold, 10/29/2010 04:38 PM) → Revision 13/17 (Amber Herold, 10/29/2010 04:38 PM)
h1. Reconfigure the database # Drop the databases if they exist <pre> mysql -h localhost -u root show databases; </pre> If you see: _projectdb leginondb_ <pre> drop database projectdb; drop database leginondb; </pre> # Create the databases <pre> create database projectdb; create database leginondb; </pre> # Copy "config.php": to */var/www/html/myamiweb* # ## Change the permission of the config file <pre> chmod 777 /var/www/html/myamiweb/config.php </pre> # Point your web browser to http://localhost/myamiweb/setup ## The database username is *root* ## There is no database password. Leave this field empty. ## Click *Next* on each page without making any changes. ## Eventually, you will see a button to *Create Web Tools Config*. Click on this button, and ignore the Apache User error. ## Click on the *DB Initialization* button. ## Click *Next*. ## Click *Next* to insert default values. ## You will need to enter information for the Adminstrator Appion user. You may enter any password and your email address. ## When this completes, you may start using Appion, or may continue with the following steps to insert a sample project into the database which can be used for processing with Appion. # Delete the sample images folder <pre> cd /myamiImages/leginon rm -rf sample </pre> # Point your browser to the following url but first replace *your_root_password* with the root password of your CentOS installation. <pre> http://localhost/myamiweb/setup/autoInstallSetup.php?password=your_root_password </pre>